The eyesore that blighted 18625 Highway 12 is suddenly gone — quickly torn down and removed one March day. The decrepit, long-vacant structure was last occupied by the La Salette restaurant. What’s next? Property owner George Weiler has not filed any plans with the county, but ideas on The Sun’s Facebook included: low income housing; a food truck plaza with tables and stage; cooperative restaurant space; a horse pasture; and an Amy’s Drive-Thru. Next up for a tear down is the Uncle Patty’s, the abandoned dive bar at 15 Boyes Blvd. Karen Ann Waikiki, who owns the nearby El Molino Central, bought building shortly after the notorious Patty’s closed in 2006. In 2016 she announced plans for a casual Italian restaurant. In December of 2018, the county granted a permit to tear down the rickety shack, which as of now still stands — barely.
Where’d that building go?

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