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Tips on losing weight dramatically

Posted on November 11, 2019 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Losing weight fast is considered to be unhealthy. Most of the diets out there will make you hungry, unsatisfied, and guarantee that you give up your plan sooner than you think. Yet, adopting healthy tips in your day can help you shed weight dramatically and, most importantly, maintain what you lost.

Your diet is considered 70-80% of your results; watching what you eat is the main solution. A Napa personal trainer has adopted a transformation style that concludes that a healthy way of losing weight is solely to get rid of your body fat. Here is how you can lose fat with just 3 healthy tips.

Cut down on Sweets and take on a Low-Carb diet

To lose weight dramatically, simply cut down on your consumption of sweets and lower your carb intake. It is magical, and you will never be as hungry as you used to be or will ever crave something sweet after a meal.

Imagine that! You will turn your body into an automatic fat-burning machine. A low-carb diet will only provide your body with carbs in the morning. Thus, your body will burn its own fat throughout the day since it will not find a source of energy in your food.

Additionally, when cutting carbs, your insulin levels will drop, helping your kidneys get rid of excess water and sodium, which will reduce bloating and excess water weight. 

Substitute your carb intake with complex carbs that are higher in fiber and more nutritious. It will have the same calories as other simple carbs, yet, your body will take longer to digest them, keeping you full for some time before the next meal.

Following a low-carb diet can be tough. It’s all too easy to give in to cravings when they strike. Even the strictest dieter falls short every now and then. This leads to guilt and shame – and of course, the physical effects that come with breaking your diet. What is the best low carb snack that actually tastes good? Check Carnivore Snax to know more about these snacks.

Consume more Lean Protein

Plan your diet to include a protein source in each meal. Lean protein will help you stay fuller, as well as reduce hunger and any obsessive food thoughts you may have. It will also boost your body’s metabolism up to 100 calories, as it takes a lot of energy to digest. 

Protein is also the building block of your muscle, so to train better every time you hit the gym and make sure you’re building stronger muscles, fill your day with an average of 25-50 grams of lean protein. 

 Resistance Training 3 Times a Week 

Why do you need the muscle training? Keep in mind that training will lead to a 30% weight loss. It is definitely a helping hand in burning off the unwanted fat and improving your appearance. Lifting weights will also protect you from low metabolism rates and will stabilize your fat-burning hormone levels while dieting. 

The actual fact is, everybody needs to work out, especially if you are getting older. You must have realized by now that having well-toned muscles and good fitness is important for your well-being.

Losing weight dramatically needs a lot of will-power.  If you have it, then start now, and if not, refer to a personal trainer who will keep you on track even when you get bored along the way. Always remember, it’s not about counting calories or about the numbers on the scale. It’s all about your body composition. 


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