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Beware of this home rental con, tolls on Hwy 37, and love life woes

Posted on March 12, 2020 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Add to the list of housing concerns a con game that takes advantage of would-be renters.  Chris Finlay, who posted her rentals on Craigslist, tells of the shady scam. Several times, a hacker took the legit info about the house, dropped the price significantly, and posted his own version. When people respond, he acts like the landlord, furnishing a contract and instructions by email: wire the money, and I’ll send you the keys. There’s also some language about not trusting realtors, so as to make an online/text deal seem less suspicious. Finlay said a friend, recognizing the rental address, tipped her to the grift, or she might never have known. “My gut feeling is that the scammers probably prey on people who don’t have English as their first language, and who might not pick up on the odd phrasing in the hacked ads or questionnaires.” She engaged the hackster by posing as an interested renter. “The scammer’s story is often along the lines of  needing to move away for a job (or church missionary work) but not wanting to sell the house.” As for reporting the con, local law enforcement can’t do much, since the scammers seem to be out-of-state and probably out of the country. 

Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa has introduced a bill to reduce traffic congestion along Highway 37 and protect the vital North Bay route from sea level rise caused by climate change. “The time is now to improve this essential artery that connects us to jobs and supports our economy,” Sen. Dodd said. “If we don’t act, increased traffic and sea level rise will make an already bad situation simply impassable.” Translation: we need to make 37 a toll road, so, in 20 years, the 58,000 daily vehicles can chip in. Critics say the toll road concept is regressive, as it will hardest hit the lower-wage workers commuting longer distances to get to cheaper housing. As always, it’s all about staying above water. 

Comedian Jenny Zigrino has a Sonoma gig on March 21. She says it’s doubtful her love life will improve by then. “Every guy I go on a date with: Sorry, we aren’t currently hiring for the position of Girlfriend, however, we are accepting New Mom applications. Me: Here’s my resume.”


— Val Robichaud, [email protected]


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