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Don’t let Amazon warehouse sidestep traffic improvement requirements

It is imperative that the issue of repurposing the Victory Station wine-storage warehouse on Hwy. 121 to a 24 hour Amazon retail delivery and regional distribution center be given a full review process that includes input from affected residents and businesses throughout the area before granting approval.

The traffic improvements required under the original Victory Station agreement have not yet been implemented and they would not be adequate for the Amazon project which could create a traffic nightmare for anyone traveling through the Bonneau’s Four Corners intersection or on Hwy. 121 and 8th St. E.

As one who frequently travels through the Bonneau intersection, proceeding along Hwy. 121 and turning onto 8th St. E., the traffic is already dense and often there are long backups. The traffic speed on 8th St. E. needs to be lowered for the safety of residents, small businesses and the Montessori school there.

Large Amazon trucks would be another hazard for local drivers.  I believe county leaders would consider securing the safety of local residents a priority before granting approval of an Amazon permit, at least until traffic improvements can be fully implemented.

— Pauline Yoshida, Sonoma

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    1. Ana Velazquez Ana Velazquez

      This is not the right location for an Amazon warehouse. The traffic and large trucks would be a real nightmare for local residents and wildlife.

    2. Mike Gillean Mike Gillean

      First, the Warehouse will not be opened until the end of the year, or longer, says Amazon, so the Signal issue is not relevant. The “Large trudks” (Semi’s) are delivering to warehouse in the middle of the night, coming from San Francisco main warehouse. Home Delivery drivers will deliver packages to homes in Sonoma, Napa and Petaluma, just as they do now. No one sits in traffic backups anywhere around here because of Amazon delivery vehicles. Amazon delivery drivers do not speed on 8th street west, their trucks are equipped with GPS, that measures speed and location, so Amazon can take quick action on their unsafe drivers. This will supply 250+ local jobs. There are plenty of unemployed now in Sonoma, Petaluma and Napa, each 20 minutes away.

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