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Details on that public (Zoom) meeting on the Amazon project

Amazon plans to open a Sonoma Valley distribution center by the end of the year, the 250k-square-foot Victory Station warehouse on Highway 121 at Eighth Street East. The hub promises tax revenue and jobs 24/7, but opponents, fearful of the traffic impact, say the project did not get a thorough vetting — including public input — before being approved by the County.

County planners said no hearing was required, as the project is covered by standing land and licensing laws. But now Amazon wants to turn the adjacent property into a parking lot, a use that requires its own permit — a process that includes a public hearing.

The matter will be heard on July 22, at 6:30 p.m.

Join Zoom Conference Meeting: July 22, 6:30 p.m.
Dial by your location
+1 (669) 900-9128 US (San Jose)

Contact: Pat Gilardi, District Director to Supervisor Gorin at


  1. kirk kirk

    We need all the jobs we can get at this time and all the Supervisor wants to do is stone wall!!!

  2. Josette Brose-Eichar Josette Brose-Eichar

    Please see: A chance for public input on Sonoma’s Amazon warehouse project
    Posted on July 14, 2020 by Sonoma Valley Sun
    And the comments on it.

    There will be no new jobs created by this project. As Amazon creates new distribution centers they simply move people around. In fact driver jobs will be cut. The goal is for Amazon to save money by making less and shorter trips from distribution centers. The more they can move by large trucks to distribution centers, the less people they need over all. Most of the employees of this new center will be commuting from other parts of the bay area. Amazon does not guarantee any jobs to valley residents. Nor does any large project such as hotels. They have no obligation to hire locally and in fact most employees will commute, as rent and housing are cheaper elsewhere.

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