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A vote for Gina Cuclis

Gina Cuclis, the Vice President of the Sonoma County Board of Education, is seeking re-election. I have known Gina for many years and am extremely impressed with her public service accomplishments, her professionalism, ethics, and sincere concern about educational issues. She’s lived and raised her children in Sonoma Valley for 34 years and has held several public offices. She is extremely knowledgeable with the Valley’s issues. Her successes on the County Board of Education include:  expanding career technical education, creating unique mental health services, and practicing responsible budget management to be prepared for the economic uncertainties ahead.

As a teacher, resident, parent, and grandparent living in Sonoma Valley, I worry that newcomers running for political office may not be sufficiently familiar with the Valley’s history, culture, and concerns to appropriately address important local and county issues. Gina’s opponent lost her re-election to the Cloverdale School Board in November 2016 and then moved to Santa Rosa.

I believe it is extremely important to retain public officials in our Valley with successful track records, particularly during these challenging times. I encourage anyone concerned with the current and future of Sonoma Valley’s and Sonoma County’s public education system to vote for Gina in November.

— Wanda Smith, Oakmont


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    One Comment

    1. Gary Boswell Gary Boswell

      Dear Gina,
      I voted for you in the last election, but, i cant possibly vote for a candidate in the upcoming election that would support a”Black Lives Matter”statement. Having worked at SRJC for 25 years my goal was to help, ” all lives “.No student regardless of color was ignored. You’re insulting the intelligence of anyone who is employed at a place of education, past or present. Virginia Boswell

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