The indoor Covid vaccine clinic at the Sonoma Veterans Building is fully booked for this week, but future appointments can be made as they come available at

That site will also show any additional clinic sites and times, such as if Sonoma Valley Hospital adds more weekend availability, as it did with clinics Feb. 6-7 (above) and Feb 14 at Sonoma Valley High School.
The weekday clinic will continue through June, according to The Sonoma Valley Community Health Center, with slots for the week of Feb. 22 being posted “this Wednesday or Thursday.”
As per state protocol, the free vaccination is offered to ages 70+; Tier 1a workers; Food Production/Agriculture, and Childcare Providers.
Help is available to those who do not have access to the internet to schedule appointments or are having any problems with the registration process. Staff at Vintage House is prepared to help at 707.996.0311, as well as Sonoma Valley Hospital at 707.939.6070 or via
For vaccine and testing sites elsewhere in Sonoma County, check
Photos by William Murray
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