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Proposed cannabis grow would overwhelm the community

We, the residents of Bloomfield, are extremely concerned about the imminent health and safety violations posed by the major revisions to the Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance of 2018, to our town, as well as other residential communities in Sonoma County.

If any changes are to be made to the ordinance, they must be considered on an individual permit basis accompanied by a full environmental impact report. Our town has 424 inhabitants. The proposed grow abuts the back yard of fourteen families and a historical Pioneer cemetery. It would be an eighty-acre, full-time, commercial operation in the center of our town. Should that be allowed to take place?

Cannabis is nothing like any other agricultural endeavor. The perpetual odor, the crime it brings, the health issues, the infrastructure overload, the pesticide pollution, wildlife displacement, and environmental damage, to name a few items, makes such enterprise in the midst of a residential community, prohibitive.

We are in the midst of a drought and live in a zone 3, marginal groundwater area. Help!

— Marta and David May, Petaluma

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    One Comment

    1. Josette Brose-Eichar Josette Brose-Eichar

      I wonder why the county does not address all the water and environmental issues associated with all ag? Why are pesticides and herbicides allowed for any residential or agricultural use? Why is water usage not taken into account for all development, residential, commercial and agriculture?. Why is the county not requiring gray water systems in all new projects, no matter what the purpose? Just an FYI, most cannabis growing is organic, because that is what the buying public demands. Illegal grows are a problem, not those that are legal and permitted.

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