
‘Memories in Motion’ at Vintage House

Posted on February 28, 2022 by Sonoma Valley Sun

A picture is worth a thousand words. But what happens when we translate that picture into movement? Local dancer, choreographer and movement educator Jessica Fudim explores the possibilities with participants of all physical abilities in her two-hour workshop, Memories in Motion, Friday, March 11, 10am-12pm at Vintage House Senior Center in Sonoma. 

Memories in Motion, “unlocks the heart, using photographs and physical language,” she says.

No dance training is required. Participants are asked to bring a photograph from their personal past; a snapshot of a moment that they’d like to delve into. After a brief warm-up, Fudim will guide participants through a process of embodying photographic details through simple movements and gestures of their own creation. 

“Working with abstract movement frees us from the expectations of creating recognizable ‘dance’ choreography,” says Fudim, who has been creating inclusive dance projects for decades. “For example, a wristwatch in a photo may become physicalized by circling your thumb around your belly button; or, a lock of hair, blown by the wind, may transform into a sharp exhale that tips your ribcage over to one side.“

Seemingly simple details like these can evoke rich emotions. Program Coordinator Katie DeJongh, sees Memories in Motion as an opportunity for people to viscerally connect to their personal histories. “One of my favorite parts of working at Vintage House is getting to know our members; everyone has a story to tell. Jessica’s workshop is a great opportunity for people to look deeper into themselves and their past.”

Participants will work in small groups and all together, taking turns to share their brief movement explorations in a nonjudgemental environment. Fudim refers to this layer of the process as a “forum for social intimacy. The vulnerability of being seen and heard and then holding space for another — it’s a beautiful and brave act. What can I learn about you by learning your movement? And what comes up for you when you watch me echo your movement back to you?” 

All are welcome at this workshop which is designed to accommodate people of varying physical abilities. “We are communicating with our body language all the time. In this workshop, we are just digging into that physicality from new angles. So, you have all the tools that you need.” 

The workshop will close with beverages, light snacks and conversation on the Vintage House patio. Stone Hall, 264 First Street East, Sonoma. Chairs will be provided and the event is wheelchair accessible.

$20 Vintage House members/$40 non-members. Register at or 707-996-0311.

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA