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The opposite of ‘racist’ isn’t ‘not racist’

“The only way to undo racism is to consistently identify and describe it — and then dismantle it,” writes professor Ibram X. Kendi. “That is the essence of antiracism: the action that must follow both emotional and intellectual awareness of racism.”

In his international best-seller How To Be An Antiracist, Dr. Kendi, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and the Founding Director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, offers a radical take on the urgent issues of race, justice, and equality. He will present that message on Wednesday, April 6, as a keynote speaker for the Hanna Institute Summit.

The event, “Radical Resolve,’ is an immersive, two-day, fully-virtual conference focused on learning and sharing new and proven approaches to trauma-informed care. Single or both-day passes are available. The featured speaker on Tuesday, April 5, will be trauma specialist Resmaa Menakem, author of My Grandmother’s Hands.

Educators, community members and advocates, organizational leaders, government agencies, and clinical partners are invited to engage with a range of experts on healing-centered practices and models of resiliency.




  1. Maggy cohen Maggy cohen

    I wish we could all learn something from these African American gentlemen. Racism is wrong and public policy should be blind to race.

    I am sure these men denounce the racist equity programs because they are based on race.

  2. Lilly miller Lilly miller

    Equity programs and affirmative action are needed to make sure that whites get a dose of their own medicine and learn what it’s like to be held back.

    Making the standards and requirements lower for blacks is a great way to make sure blacks get the education and jobs they want.

    To say that the blacks need to be as “intelligent” or “competent” is racist. Blacks are smart and even if they don’t get the best scores they should be able to do everything that whites can do.

    Whites had it too good for too long. What do they think they built western civilization or something?

    As a transgendered, multi race, agnostic I understand the world better than most. And I think it’s unfair that whites get all the credit for everything. Blacks have done great things too. Look at adopt Hitler for example. Black people do great things too.

  3. Wendy rosenblum Wendy rosenblum

    What do you mean by “look at adopt Hitler”? What does that have to do with black people? Hitler wasn’t black. And I hope you aren’t meaning to state that Hitler did great things. Hitler killed 6 billion Jews! What’s so great about that? He kicked jewish bankers out of the country and that was bad. Not good. He exposed the secrets of Freemasons and other innocent secret societies and that was bullying the masons and rotary guys. That is obviously bad. We all should love the fine work of the masons for our communities. Hitler sent gypsies and homosexuals (he didn’t even call them LGBTQ) so he is totally intolerant of deviant lifestyles which is bad. And he picked on the Jews for no reason besides the world boycott and banking stuff which we all know is acceptable when Jews do that to protect themselves from anti/semitism like Gavin “SS” Noose-um.

    Learn from the deaths of 6,000,000,000 Jews. It’s bad and Hitler was not good like you say blacks can do great things. You should have mention great black people who have done great things like Lebron James and the singer Hooty from the blowfish. Or Oprah Winfrey. It’s not hard to think of great black people who did things much better than anything great Hitler ever may have done if anything.

    Pray for the poor victims of racism and transphobia. If these professors photos are indeed black homosexuals gentlemen that’s fine with me. I actually think LGBTQ people are smarter and more creative. Just look at how they do what they do. It’s creative. It’s love. It’s not just deviant sexuality and perversion. I don’t see how anyone could be so mean. More and more kids are trans and especially black trans are the best.

    Love one another.

  4. Francis goldberg Francis goldberg

    I can’t believe you would compare Hitler to these African educators. You must have no idea what it’s like to be hated and kicked out of many countries.

  5. Lilly miller Lilly miller

    A Comment to Francis,

    “I must have no idea”? Well, just like every time a man tries to “man-splain” from his privileged point of view you are wrong. I don’t know what it is like because my grandparents escaped the genocide of Christians by the Jewish Red Guard during the Bolshevik empire of Russia. My grandparents were Jews but they worked on farms where almost all workers were Christians and they looked like Christians because they were from Poland and didn’t look like what we would call a stereotypical looking jew today. They didn’t have big noses and small eyes, etc. That was another problems for them. They were fortunate enough to get smuggled out of the farmland of the “Jukraine”(that’s what they still affectionately called it until they gassed away in 2014.) so they were almost sent to Siberia death camps fo certain death only because they “looked” Christian even though they were jews. My grandparents told us many stories about the poos Christian farmers who were slaughtered in the biggest genocide in history. So I know very well about being “kicked” out of countries” thank you very much. And my grandparents were scholars. They told us about Hitler and his response to the genocide of 20-60 million Christians. They believed this was a main reason Hitler wanted to defend Christian Europe from these death squads. I never heard about the Christian genocides in school and usually we only talk about the Holocaust. History is fascinating. Let’s not repeat the bad parts.
    I am a proud jew but I know right vs wrong and I don’t need any “man” telling me how to think. It’s not just men who can know about history and tell the truth with authority. There are many genders of humans who are able to do that just fine without your mansplaining.
    Let’s all listen to these black guys and see if they know anything about this. It’s unfortunate they are both men but maybe they are at least gay or trans. We shall see how qualified and informed they are on the merit of their work.

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