Unlike his opponents, Carl Tennenbaum is the only man running for Sheriff who hasn’t been part of the nationally highlighted 20-year Sheriffs’ reign of systematic brutality, torture and wrongful deaths such as the needless killing of 13-year-old Andy Lopez by a Deputy who not only got off but got promoted.
Carl Tennenbaum is the only candidate who actively worked on the Measure P campaign for greater transparency and accountability from the Sheriff’s Office, something that the Sheriff, the Deputy Sheriff’s Association (DSA) and fat cat vineyard members of the Farm Bureau have fought tooth and nail every inch of the way. Despite Measure P’s landslide passage by nearly two-thirds of the electorate, many of its provisions haven’t been implemented due to the lawsuit filed by the DSA, which wants to keep the department’s workings as secret as possible and cares not a whit about the will of the people.
Carl Tennenbaum is the only man running for Sheriff endorsed by Sonoma County Democrats, major labor and environmental organizations and the Latino Political Action Committee.
Carl Tennanbaum says that as Sheriff he will make Measure P’s provisions his policy. If you voted for Measure P as I did, Carl T is clearly the only man we want to be our next Sheriff.
— Kathleen Finigan, Santa Rosa
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