Goodness knows these past few years have been trying. We all feel the stress and pressure, and although life appears to be closer to normal, challenges remain. At the beginning of the month, firefighters in Napa were confronted by a blaze, dubbed “The Old Fire,” on over 100 acres. In June!
This major fire is happening earlier in the year than any we can recall, and as unpleasant as it is, it prompts us all to be prepared.
If you have evacuation plans, confirm them. Keep you vehicles gassed-up (or fully charged). If you’ve prepared emergency “go kits” make sure they are complete and do not contain expired food or medicine. If there are legal documents, keepsakes, and mementos that are important to you, pack them in a bag and have that bag ready to go. In short, after so many years of drought the hillsides and vegetation is already very dry, and it won’t take much to set it quickly ablaze.
Think ahead and prepare. It’s going to be a long, dry summer.
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