Ben Boyce


The end of politics

Posted on October 16, 2022 by Ben Boyce

Watching and listening to the performance of the norms of democracy and electoral engagement by the mainstream media class can induce a Sartrean sense of existential dread. The Matrix reality that these national broadcast outlets disseminate is an ideological construction, a confection that asserts that the United States is the essential nation whose natural role is to be the global hegemon, we are all vaguely “middle-class,” and that we live in a “free market” meritocracy that rationally determines our net worth, financially and socially. 

Our power as citizens rests in our vote, which is protected by the Constitution. That’s the Disney fairy tale they want us to believe in.

All the media punditry is played out on a narrow bandwidth of acceptable views, attitudes, and manners. All responsible editorial commentary will have the same boring basic five-color meme palette at all times. Every political event is reduced to a numb background drone, an endless vapid discussion of perceived partisan micro gains or losses. They don’t seem to realize that the enemies of democracy are gearing up under their feet to end the democracy game they love so much and make their careers on.

RNC activists are in the basement, mixing up bombs, loading their weapons, and plotting to end formal democracy in the U.S. in order to take power at any cost. There is a concerted effort by well-funded RNC cutouts to implement a national strategy to break the kneecaps of the Democratic Party by creating mass chaos at the precinct level. The conservative activists are quietly taking seats at swing state local election boards. They are running for and winning Secretary of State offices, Election Commission posts, and precinct captain roles in multiple states. They have strategically put a force in place that can asphyxiate the normal election procedures in their state. 

The RNC is now training Republican precinct workers on all the rules that can be invoked to challenge an individual voter, hold up the line as the challenge is recorded, and slow the process to a crawl. Wait times of multiple hours will exceed the endurance of a low-income voter with kids at home waiting for dinner who went straight from work to vote. This deliberate tossing of legal wrenches in the gears is intended to reduce votes in the minority and liberal districts. This is procedural voter suppression.

All these specious challenges to targeted voters will then bundled up to be submitted to an armada of Republican lawyers who are manning a GOP Hotline to take voter fraud reports. These reports will be employed in state and federal courts later as ‘evidence.’ 

The project is represented publicly by neo-fascist celebrity Steve Bannon. He promotes the RNC Voter Integrity Project daily on his big national podcast. Bannon has discerned that the plumbing of the national electoral infrastructure is vulnerable to a mass denial of service attack at the precinct level that can cause the gears to seize up. This chaos will further the GOP narrative that the elections are “rigged.” It is diabolical, really.

The liberal media and the Democratic Party leadership were apparently unaware, until quite recently, that while they were playing conventional TV horse race politics, the Republican operatives and their right-wing media network were busy building the cheat code to end democracy. Nervous centrist liberals scolded President Biden for recently warning the country that this plot by the “MAGA Republicans” was a threat to democracy. Joe’s right; y’all should listen. 


Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA