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SDC plan is ludicrous

Supervisor Gorin:

I’m still strongly opposed to the revised [Sonoma Developmental Center] Environmental Impact Report produced by the planning commission.  It’s far too many homes, too many jobs, it’s an environmental disaster for wildlife and neighboring families.

The scariest part is the serious fire danger when we all need to evacuate. Our roads and water supply cannot sustain that many people and cars. We’re already in a water shortage and using Fern lake for water would negatively impact all the wildlife in the area.  I understand that during the 2017 fires, VOM water was nearly out of water.

We do need affordable housing in Sonoma County but it should be built in areas near the train, freeway and major public transport and build tall apartments buildings.  This is how Europe deals with their population growth.  It’s ludicrous to build an entire city in this pristine environment.  I encourage you to drive Arnold Drive or Sonoma Highway during commute times and you’ll see how congested the roads already are.

Thank you for your careful consideration and rejecting this outlandish proposal tomorrow.

— Vivien Hoyt, Glen Ellen

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    1. Teri Shore Teri Shore

      Right now Commissioners Greg Carr and Eric Koenigshofer are trying to revise plan to respond to community. However Commissioners Jaclyn Ocana , Larry Reed and Sean McAffrey are pushing back in everything from protecting open space to number of units. These three along with Permit Sonoma and county counsel are all for 1,000 units and basically the plan as is. Extremely shameful!!!

    2. Josette Brose-Eichar Josette Brose-Eichar

      As Teri states, there are 3 planning commissioners that are adamant in wanting 1000 housing units and the 120 room luxury hotel. They all stated that this allows “flexibility”. This community needs to call them out and ask them to explain exactly what this means. And it is up to supervisor Gorin to speak out and assure that SDC does not become just another over built suburb catering to the wealthy, while providing no community benefits and very little real affordable housing.

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