Sonoma Valley Sun


Here comes the Fourth!

Posted on June 30, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

By Jonathan Farrell | Sonoma Valley Sun —

With the warmth and freedom of summer comes the annual celebration of Independence, the Fourth of July holiday. This year holds particular historical significance because it’s the 200th anniversary of the founding of the old Mission San Francisco de Solano. 

“About 10,000, people visit Sonoma during the weekend,” said Bob Norrbom, speaking on behalf of the Sonoma Volunteer Firefighters Association (SVFA), under the auspices of the Sonoma Valley Fire District.

Since 2017, the SVFA has been coordinating the annual parade in addition to the post-party fireworks show. It’s a beloved tradition. 

“As far back as I can remember, the community has always had a Fourth of July celebration, Fireworks, and a parade, for over 62 years at least,” said Sonoma resident Golly McGinty.

The holiday weekend fills all the hotels, said Norrbom and “Sonoma gets visitors from all over, including places as far away as Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, and Spain.” 

Yet “we struggle financially to ensure that the fireworks show is of good quality,” said Norrbom. He noted that the SVFA starts early to plan for the annual event, (sometimes just days after this year’s is over) “but there is often a deficit of up to $30,000 dollars because costs are high and inflation has an impact.” 

On average, the cost of a quality one-hour fireworks display that has the best pyrotechnics, according to Norrbom, is about $70,000 dollars. 

While the City of Sonoma and the tourism board of Sonoma County are very helpful in waiving fees and providing discounts, the SVFA still must pay state permit fees and charges. Portable toilets, barricades, security, and other necessary things all are costs. “These too have increased,” he said.

The annual fireworks show is staged on a portion of land at General Vallejo’s home on West Spain Street. It is a historical park owned/managed by the State of California. 

This launching spot provides optimum views of the sky show, particularly within the radius of the Plaza.

The SVFA works to help keep fees that vendors and local organizations pay reasonable by seeking the help of sponsors. “We work throughout the year to obtain grants from foundations and ways to raise money through donations,” said Norrbom. “All donations are tax-deductible.”

Norrbom is grateful for the sponsorship of Nugget Sonoma Market (among others) and for the help of local officials such as Susan Gorin.

“Everyone must understand that in order for us to ensure everything goes smoothly and that as many people as possible can enjoy a safe and wonderful celebration, we need help,” said Norrbom. 

After all, he says, “how can you have a really memorable Fourth of July celebration without a fireworks show?”  

To see the day’s schedule of parade, live music, and Plaza festival, and to donate, visit 

One thought on “Here comes the Fourth!

  1. As lovely and exciting as fireworks are, I have enjoyed watching them over the years. But maybe it’s time for a change.
    The shows are really harmful to the environment, with the residue smoke and the possibility of fire. They are also very noisy for our animals, just a thought….

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