Sonoma Valley Sun


The Full Monty comes to Sonoma

Posted on July 18, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

For the second show in its 2023 season of Broadway Under the Stars, Transcendence Theatre Company presents the Broadway smash hit The Full Monty, July 28 – August 20 at Beltane Ranch in Glen Ellen.

The outdoor show is unlike the company’s musical revue format (the last show sang and sampled 72 different songs), it’s a full-length production of the play.

The story: Six unemployed steelworkers try to make some quick cash by stripping. Chippendale dancers they aren’t; just regular Joes, enjoying their unlikely popularity and bonding along the way. It’s the theater version of the Academy Award-nominated 1997 film.

The show is Transcendence’s first fully-staged musical since its award-winning production of A Chorus Line in 2019. It is directed and choreographed by Josh Walden (Ragtime – Broadway Revival), with musical direction by Matt Smart (Hamilton – National Tour).

The cast are also professionals with major Broadway and national tour experience. All are making their Transcendence debuts, coming from around the country and staying in Sonoma for the run of the show. Here, some of the players share their thoughts as rehearsals continue. 

Tickets start at $35. Visit or call 877-424-1414 for more information.


Josh Walden

Director and Choreographer

What was your first theatrical experience?  

I played the Fire in the Fireplace, the Boy in the Window Licking a Lollipop, and a Sad Marionette in Children’s Acting Theatre’s production of Pinocchio at Colby Sawyer College in 1986.

Describe the show in three words:  

Honest. American. Revealing.

What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?  

Helping create a safe space for the actors.

What are you looking forward to during your stay in Sonoma?  

No humidity! 


Zee Hubbard

Role you are playing: Nathan Lukowski

What was your first theatrical experience?

I have been participating in Rhoten Productions at the Sebastiani Theatre here in Sonoma since I was four, and my first performances were in their Performing Arts Camp Showcase, and their Halloween show “Witchiepoo”.

Describe your character in The Full Monty in three words.

Smart-alec, charming, sincere.

What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?

This is my first Transcendence show, and I am looking forward to working with everyone and learning about the company! 

What do you love best about Sonoma?

There are so many amazing people that I have come to know growing up here. The Sebastiani Theatre has become a second home to me and I adore the sense of family that is created and how they’ve accepted me and so many others with open arms. Also, there’s some really great ice cream here. 


Nicolas Garza

Role: Ethan Girard

What was your first theatrical experience?

Performing in: 8th grade in a cheesy one act play about a subway station in NYC. First musical experience (other than growing up reenacting SNL sketches for my family) .was in the ensemble Guys and Dolls my freshman year. Viewing: VHS tapes of Grease and Annie, first Broadway show I saw was Young Frankenstein.

Describe your character in The Full Monty in three words.

Kindhearted, unabashed, determined.

What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?

Seeing what everyone brings to the show and learning how we can create our own special version of the show together

What are you looking forward to during your stay in Sonoma? 

I’m excited to be spending time in a place I’ve never even visited before, to be out of the Texas heat in the middle of summer, and experience the culture of Sonoma with this group of people!


Michael Burrell

Role: Jerry Lukowski

 What was your first theatrical experience?

My mom signed me up for a community theater production of Peter Pan when I was seven. I had been watching the VHS tapes of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Cats over and over. I loved them. I sang and danced along in our living room. She thought I might finally have the attention span to be in a show. I was an unnamed Lost Boy, and it was the best introduction to theater!

 Describe your character in The Full Monty in three words.

Narrow-minded, determined, and impulsive.

 What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?

I love seeing what people bring into the room everyday. It’s incredible how each character changes from the first day to the last. You’re trying new things, seeing what works and what doesn’t. It’s exciting when you’re constantly discovering new things.

 What are you looking forward to during your stay in Sonoma? 

I’m a Southern California native, so I’m thrilled to be back in California after so many years. I’m looking forward to some beautiful scenery, weather….and maybe some tasty wine.


Matt Smart

Music Director

What was your first theatrical experience?

I played Little Ebenezer in a production of A Christmas Carol for a few years starting around the age of 10. I somehow found the courage to sing an a capella rendition of “The First Noel” in front of as many as 800 people! To the world’s relief, my singing days are mostly over!

What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?

It’s hard to choose! I love those early “Ah-ha!” moments when an actor finds a way to connect with a song and the storytelling becomes more elevated. I also enjoy the sitzprobe. There’s only so much energy a keyboard can provide in the rehearsal. It’s fun to watch the power of the band ripple out with contagious energy.

What do you love best about Sonoma?  

I live in Sonoma and have for the past 6 years or so. I’m still struck by the beauty of the area, and the abundance of things to do outdoors.


 Lee Palmer

Role: Noah “Horse” T. Simmons

What was your first theatrical experience?  

Singing The Temptations I Wish it Would Rain at six years old in the 9th Street School Talent Show. I also choreographed it.

 Describe your character in The Full Monty in three words.  

Playing my father.

 What’s the best part of the rehearsal process? The joy, laughter and camaraderie that evolves from collaborative work

 What are you looking forward to during your stay in Sonoma?  Working in such a beautiful part of the country


Justin Anthony Long

Role: Malcolm MacGregor

 What was your first theatrical experience?

The first Broadway show I ever saw was Grease with Billy Porter as the Teen Angel. It was musical comedy heaven. Shortly after, I auditioned for the middle school musical and was cast in L’il Abner. So I’ve been a “theater kid” since I was about 9 or 10 years old and since then have gone on to be a professional actor and writer. Most recently, I played Frankie Valli and Joe Pesci in Jersey Boys. As a writer, my new musical Big Ass Secret was recently an Official Selection of Theatre Now’s Sound Bites Festival in NYC…with our Full Monty director/choreographer Josh Walden at the helm. 

 Describe your character in The Full Monty in three words.

Good-hearted, eager, and lonely. 

What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?

Surprise and discovery. Discovering a new emotional beat or being surprised by someone else’s discovery is so delightful. When we know the material, everything is rehearsed, and these beautiful moments all come together… that’s my favorite part. 

 What are you looking forward to during your stay in Sonoma?

I love wine and yet, I’ve never been to “wine country.” I’m looking forward to getting to know the Sonoma vineyards and winemakers.


Jesse Swimm

Role: Harold Nichols

What was your first theatrical experience?

Seeing a show, I was lucky enough to see the national tour of Starlight Express which was absolutely mind blowing as a child. The lights, the skating, the transitions from the races happening on stage to video was mesmerizing. If we are talking about being in a show that would be when I was a sophomore at Dana Hills High School down in Dana Point. I tried out for the summer musical Little Shop of Horrors and was cast in the ensemble. However during the rehearsal process a buddy of mine opted for football instead and I ended up getting his part. It was a smaller role, but I was thrilled. It was my first time singing, first time having to speak on stage. All of it. I was absolutely hooked. 

Describe your character in The Full Monty in three words.

Graceful. Loyal. Proud. 

What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?

Overall it’s the whole experience for me. Meeting new people. Reconnecting with those I’ve worked with in the past. Having my input with the creation of the role I’m playing. It’s an incredible feeling having a dialogue with the director about their vision and mine and how we can meld them both together to create the best outcome for audiences to see. 

What are you looking forward to during your stay in Sonoma?

I’m excited to be back in the area. I haven’t been to this part of Northern CA in over 10 years. I got to spend a day with my cast from the national tour of Mary Poppins while we were playing Sacramento. I’m most looking forward to recreating those memories with new friends and this time knowing I have a much longer stint to play while getting to know the city better. 


Jason Simon

Role: Dave Bukatinsky

What was your first theatrical experience?

A series of one act plays, my junior year of high school. I only auditioned because a classmate bet me that I wouldn’t. I’m pretty sure, I only got cast because they needed guys! That experience led to me singing backstage with the band that played between the acts. One of the gals in my show said I had a nice voice and should audition for the choir. I did, and that’s how Istarted singing and on the path to musical theater.

Describe your character in three words.

Big. Husband. Friend.

What’s the best part of the rehearsal process?

Finding the show, characters, and relationships, with this particular group of people. Every production is different because the people involved are different. And that alchemy is found in the rehearsals.

What are you looking forward to during your stay in Sonoma? 

I haven’t been to Sonoma since I was a kid. So I’m looking forward to seeing it now and getting to know the town and community… and, of course, getting to try some of the wine, too.


Cover photo: THE FULL MONTY, Argyle Theater, Evan Pappas, Artistic Director; Photo by Richard Termine

Rehearsal photos: Brennan Spark

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