Sonoma Valley Sun


SV Hospital’s Dr. Alexis Alexandridis on breast health

Posted on October 12, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

In a world where medical specialties are as diverse as the patients they serve, finding a true expert can sometimes be a daunting task. Dr. Alexis Alexandridis, a General Surgeon practicing in Sonoma, stands out as a seasoned professional with a unique perspective on breast health and surgery. 

Dr. Alexis Alexandridis knew she wanted to pursue a career in medicine since high school. Initially leaning towards pediatrics, her journey took an exciting turn in medical school when she discovered her passion for surgery. 

She was drawn to the operating room by the camaraderie and teamwork it offered, relishing the opportunity to be part of a dedicated surgical team.

Her initial inclination was towards pediatric surgery, but she later realized that it wasn’t the right fit for her. Instead, she embarked on a diverse surgical path during her residency in rural southern Oregon, where she gained experience in a wide range of surgical procedures. She practiced for six years before finding her way to Sonoma Valley Hospital (SVH) in 2017. 

At SVH, she revitalized breast surgery, and her practice now encompasses both general surgery and breast surgery.

As to what constitutes a great breast health program, Dr. Alexandridis emphasizes the importance of individualized care. Recognizing that each patient has unique biology and needs, she stresses the importance of avoiding unnecessary procedures. 

While early detection is valuable, she suggests that patients should focus on self-awareness, becoming familiar with their own breast tissue and monitoring for any changes. 

Following guidelines as a tool, she encourages patients to start mammograms around age 40 or 45, depending on individual risk factors, and to develop a habit of preventative care.

SVH offers no-cost mammogram screenings for uninsured and underinsured Sonoma Valley women ages 40-plus

Dr. Alexandridis acknowledges the societal emphasis on early detection but also points out that in reality, it doesn’t always result in significant changes. She believes that public awareness should shift towards encouraging self-awareness and preventative care, rather than solely relying on early detection as a panacea.

Dr. Alexandridis emphasizes that SVH may not have the vast resources of larger institutions but compensates with a personal touch and a team of staff members who genuinely care about their patients.

She highlights the pivotal role of women in maintaining the overall health of their communities. Women often serve as the driving force behind their families’ healthcare decisions, making them essential pillars of community health. However, she notes that breast cancer, as a diagnosis, has sometimes been co-opted by industries looking to profit from the pink ribbon movement, an insincere marketing ploy known as ‘pinkwashing.’

Dr. Alexandridis challenges the simplistic notion that early mammograms can eliminate breast cancer risk and highlights the importance of addressing social and cultural factors that influence health disparities.

Dr. Alexis Alexandridis brings a unique perspective to breast health and surgery. It’s clear that her passion for medicine and dedication to her patients are driving forces behind her contributions to the field.

— Courtesy Sonoma Valley Hospital


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