Sonoma Valley Sun


Sun on the Street: What profession would you like to try?

Posted on November 6, 2023 by Sonoma Valley Sun

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Leslie, Sonoma

I think it would be really fun to interview famous people. I am always listening to podcasts and just fascinated with people’s stories. Everybody has a story. I would love to speak with them and find out what makes them who they are. 

Renee, Oakland, Ca.

I would like to be a brain surgeon. I have always been intrigued with neurology–just an innate interest.

Lucas Turner, Grass Valley

I grew up in Calistoga. I am a caterer and private chef. I love what I do actually and I’d like to keep doing it. Nothing else interests or tempts me. Not at the moment. I am very happy with it. 

Christine, Oakland, Ca

A “Zoo-pologist”:  A zoo-logist because I am fascinated with animals and nature and an anthro-pologist because I am fascinated with travel and people.

Simon, Sonoma

A singer. It would be a kick. I took singing lessons for over a year. And I sing here and there – live bands, karaoke bands. It’s super fun and I get in the zone.  it would be great to do that as a professional. 

– Interviews and photos by Denise Webster

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA