The other day I saw a post by Sarah Ford in Facebook, the words Sonoma VAL ley Sun inside a red heart. It was a fitting tribute to Val Robichaud our publisher at the Sun. Seeing it made my heart break once again and made me realize that Val really was the heart of our valley.
I am a relative newcomer to the Sun, I only began writing in 2021. But, in this short time, I felt supported and encouraged to write about the issues, people and challenges of our changing Sonoma Valley. Val gave all of us writing for the Sun the freedom and encouragement to speak freely, express ourselves and often take on controversial topics.
Beyond just what Val meant to me, is the realization of what he meant to everyone in the Sonoma Valley. He took on, almost singlehandedly the challenge of presenting us with truth, independent journalism, opinion and common sense.
The fact is, that the Sun is a unique and powerful achievement. How many of us would take on creating an independent voice and news source, then pour everything we had into it? I would say not many.
It is my hope that we can channel Val’s heart and soul, his energy, love, commitment to our community and kindness into keeping the Sun going to honor his memory.
Josette Brose-Eichar