
City of Sonoma applies for $494,000 from CalFire for tree inventory and protection

Posted on May 21, 2024 by Sonoma Sun

From the staff report to the City Council:

A total of $494,000 is being requested from CAL FIRE cover identified expenses through March 2028. Funds being requested would support hiring a consultant through the request for proposals process to complete the tree inventory, canopy assessment, urban forestry management plan, and development of new policies that will all be integrated into a new geospatial database and website or webpage.

Funding is also being requested to support a partnership for community engagement and policy assessment with Sonoma State University, training for City staff and the community on tree stewardship, and hard costs for the planting and watering of 75 trees. No matching funds are required but staff is requesting funding to be allocated in the FY 24-25 budget to begin the tree inventory, canopy assessment, and urban forestry management plan if the grant is not awarded to the City this year. The City should be notified by September if awarded the grant

In January 2024, City Council adopted Climate Action Strategies that identified Carbon Sequestration as a priority and identified tree protection and planting as a Council Goal on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation for FY 24-25. In January and February, staff held two joint commission meetings with Planning, Climate Action (CAC), and Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Commissions to discuss tree priorities which are attached to this report. While staff will be requesting funds to assist in implementation of these and other climate grant FIRE CAL identified Nathan Commissioner Action Climate strategies, opportunity which will close May 30, 2024 that can fund tree priorities this next fiscal year.

On April 29, 2024, PROS voted to recommend City Council authorize the City to apply for this grant. Commissioner Nathan with the assistance of Chair Morrell (CAC) and Chair Donnelly (PROS) and City staff identified the programs that would best meet the goals of the grant and implementing the tree priorities. The following are the project goals and deliverables:

1) Create a comprehensive municipal tree inventory for Sonoma. This will be the city’s first comprehensive species on data baseline crucial provide will and inventory tree composition, tree health, distribution, and other tree data collection attributes as outlined in grant guidelines.

2) Develop GIS-based assessments and supporting analysis, including shade tree canopy, canopy gaps and percent coverage, fire risk, land cover, and ecosystem services (i.e. economic benefits). This data will offer comprehensive insights into Sonoma’s urban environment, for targeted and interventions informed facilitating decision-making sustainable urban forest management.

3) Evaluate organizational capacity. Assess organizational capacity through an evaluation of governance and community systems. Incorporating civic institutions, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders provides a comprehensive view of Sonoma’s urban forest management landscape. This evaluation recognizes decision-making and implementation capacity, as well as identifies strengths, gaps, and potential synergies.

4) Complete a comprehensive Urban Forestry Management Plan (UFMP) designed to guide Sonoma’s urban forestry initiatives over the next 40-50 years. This data-driven plan incorporates insights from our community engagement program to ensure alignment with community needs and priorities. To ensure the sustainability of the UFMP, we will create an interactive website platform to convey tree-related information. This platform will facilitate ongoing access and engagement with the UFMP, promoting transparency and accessibility for all stakeholders. By providing an adaptive framework, the UFMP will evolve over time to respond to changing needs and emerging challenges, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness in fostering a healthy urban forest for Sonoma’s future.

5) Update policy and ordinance documents. The commissions have identified significant gaps in Sonoma’s urban forestry management policies. Strengthening municipal treerelated policies and ordinances to align with best management practices and urban forestry standards is a key objective. Additionally, we aim to conduct a cross-cutting integrative evaluation to identify and address indirect ordinances and policies affecting trees and greenbelts. This evaluation will ensure that green infrastructure and urban trees are considered in broader plans, facilitating comprehensive integration with urban forestry goals.

6) Facilitate pilot tree planting and TreePlotter training within Sonoma’s disadvantaged and low-income communities. This pilot project seeks to maximize the health benefits and cobenefits of trees by strategically planting in areas with the greatest need, enhancing air quality, reducing urban heat island effects, and promoting physical and mental well-being. Additionally, it includes training with TreePlotter, to actively engage younger people in urban forestry management and monitoring efforts, further strengthening the sustainability and effectiveness of our initiatives and raise awareness about forestry career options. This pilot project along with our community engagement approach aims to foster long-term stewardship of Sonoma’s urban forest through intergenerational education and training.

As part of the State’s submittal requirements, no later than May 30, 2024, the City must submit an Authorizing Resolution from the City Council that authorizes the submittal of the application to CAL FIRE. Staff anticipates submitting the completed grant application packet by May 27, 2024 should the City Council adopt the aforementioned resolution. CAL FIRE provides and requires the language of the Authorizing Resolution as it is presented. The Authorizing Resolution’s stated purposes are that it provides the means for the Grantee’s Governing Body to agree to the terms of the grant contract, (included in the agenda packet); provides confirmation that the Grantee has the funding to complete, operate and maintain the project associated with the grant contract; and designates the position title authorized by the Governing Body to represent the City on all matters regarding the project and grant contract.

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA