
It is the City Council’s job to listen

Posted on July 19, 2024 by Sonoma Sun

A Gaza ceasefire resolution was on the agenda of the June 5 city council meeting.  At prior city council meetings, dozens spoke during general comments requesting the resolution be agenized.

Subsequently the city came up with new rules for general public comments.  

The new rules as posted for the June 19 city council meeting:

“Please note that there will be two general public comment periods for this meeting.  The first public comment period will be limited to ten speakers and each speaker will be allowed up to two minutes. . . .  Those speakers who do not have an opportunity to speak during this time will be allowed to comment under a second general public comment section at the end of the meeting. ”

Rebekah Barr, City Clerk, confirmed that this new procedure is for all future meetings.

I will attend the July 17 meeting. If not lucky enough to be one of the first 10 speakers, I will wait until the end.  I will ask: Is this democracy? Do our elected officials care about and want to hear from those they represent?

It may be inconvenient for council members to listen to large numbers of the public. I believe it is their job to listen and learn what the community needs and wants.  In the future there will be matters before them where many members of the public need to be heard.  When our voices are relegated to e-mails that can be filed away and forgotten, we are not visible, we are not heard.  Public comment is the voice of the community.  Our elected officials have an obligation to listen.  This makes public opinion visible to the press and assures that even more of the public becomes aware of issues and decisions that affect them. 

Josette Brose-Eichar

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