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Seeding doubt and anxiety

On Tuesday August 6, with excitement and fanfare Kamala Harris introduced Tim Walz as her running mate. Everyone I know was thrilled and relieved. Sure, Shapiro had his advocates but like Harris, is a lawyer, aggressive, speaks like a politician, and as Jewish cannot position himself regarding the Middle East Crisis without alienating someone or everyone.

Today is August 9. The media “headlines” (paraphrased): “Doesn’t everyone see that Walz is still a masculine figure?” “The ‘good Dad’ but still a man,” Ezra Klein says, “Does Harris need the ‘Good Dad’ for her campaign and Presidency?” As for Harris, she couldn’t even talk Biden out of his disastrous plan to leave Afghanistan. Off with her head!  

Do these smart and reputable media folk see that they are seeding doubt and anxiety back into a joyful and optimistic moment in our history? Do they need to question the possibility that Harris and Walz might actually work well with others?

What is the reality of this Presidential campaign? Trump and Vance are running against Harris and Walz. What does the media want? How much fear of past and future imperfections of the only persons fit to run the country, Harris and Walz, do they want to bring to the fore. As Kamala Harris suggested, “If you want Trump to win, just keep doing what you are doing!”

Three months of faith, hope, and charity are required, and the media, even the Left media, can’t even tolerate three days. Shame on you.

Norma Barnett

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    One Comment

    1. Edward Siwel Edward Siwel

      “and as Jewish cannot position himself on the Middle East crisis…”

      Why not just have sew yellow staring his jacket and be done with it.

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