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Celebrating La Luz Summer Camps 

Local students performed in a Mexican folkloric dance and mariachi presentation on August 2 on the stage of the El Verano Community School Center to share their new skills and celebrate the conclusion of their two-week camp. Leonardo Lobato, Executive Director of La Luz Center,... Continue

$20-Billion affordable housing bond pulled from the November ballot

The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) has pulled the $20-Billion affordable housing bond measure from the ballot, instead deciding to let voters first decide about lowering the threshold for passage of housing bond measures to 54% from the current 67%.  The proposed measure, approved... Continue

Who knew? A hypothesis is that electrolysis is taking place spontaneously as a result of the presence of copper and manganese nodules lying on the sea bed. If it turns out to be true, this is a significant contributor to free oxygen on the planet 

Who knew? A hypothesis is that electrolysis is taking place spontaneously as a result of the presence of copper and manganese nodules lying on the sea bed. If it turns out to be true, this is a significant contributor to free oxygen on the planet  Continue

Alive and conscious of it

Animals are alive; it’s so obvious as to be a tautology. Not all animals, however, are aware of being alive. As far as we can tell, human beings are the only ones. Opinion about awareness, and even more precisely reason, has varied. The designation of... Continue