I just sent the following message to First District Sonoma County Supervisor Rebecca Hermosillo. Valley residents who are dependent on Social Security and Medicare are ill-prepared for how they will cope should the current Administration’s policies actually materialize. We need information in order to prepare.
So, here is my email to the Supervisor:
Dear Supervisor Hermosillo: I am one among many older adults whose medical care and basic needs are being put at risk by the actions of the Trump Administration. At the County level, however, there does not appear to be any action being taken to notify beneficiaries that our funding is a risk.
Since the bulk of County social services are dependent on federal dollars, providing advance notification of potential cut-off of services to NGOs and other contracted providers, along with individuals who are direct recipients, would give us all time to prepare.
Is the Board of Supervisors considering any such action? If not, why not? If so, what form will it take?
Mary L. Flett, Ph.D.
Dr. Flett,
I doubt the federal administration will be giving any advance notification to the local government so how will the local government know when to notify seniors?
Your inquiry may be more properly be directed to your representatives at the national level, but that may involve similar uncertainties.