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State Republicans mock Newsom’s latest Covid plan


Governor Newsom recently announced another reopening plan, different from the July county watch list and the four phases announced in May. Six months and four substantially different plans.

Gov. Newsom’s latest color-coded, tiered system is furthest from the original purpose for the statewide shutdown–to protect our hospitals’ capacity to handle a surge of COVID-19 patients.

Trying to figure out the percentage of positive tests to determine if a few more people can come into a business on one day and less on the next has nothing to do with protecting hospital capacity. In fact, hospital numbers are not even considered in the new system.

Actually, the calculation of what is open and what is closed is even more difficult. What time will a county’s color code be posted? How will we know if a county or city has a different shade of the rainbow?

Will some businesses be rainbow-like-open regardless of the color the county is assigned? Hairdressers and barbershops have just been okayed to open indoors regardless of a county’s color scheme. Will that continue? What other businesses will have a special color scheme?

And, what is next?

Will businesses have to put out colored flags daily, like beach lifeguard stations, to tell customers what the day’s status is? Only 1 out of 4 people can come in today, the flag is red.

Once we get more counties in the yellow section, will Governor Newsom come up with a new plan? What about a Care Bears Plan:

Bedtime Bear: Everything is shut down.

Good Luck Bear: You are almost at Cheer status.

Cheer Bear: You are allowed to open.  

With more than 10.8 million unemployment claims, Californians deserve straightforward answers and reliable leadership, not mixed messages.

 — Jacqui Nguyen, press secretary, Senate Republican Caucus


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