The school board held its second of three Budget 101 meetings on Wednesday night. The meetings, designed to educate the trustees, district staff and public about where school funding comes from and how it is spent, will culminate in decisions on massive budget cuts come January.
The two meetings have both been poorly attended and audience member, parent and district employee Andrea Deely brought that to the board’s attention saying she was ashamed of district staff for not getting involved when involvement is most needed. “These are our tax dollars and everyone – from teachers to parents to staff members – should care what happens,” said Deely.
For his part, Justin Frese, assistant superintendent for the school district, has been working long hours trying to lay out a multitude of scenarios which could lessen the impact of the cuts. In all, $2.3 million needs to be eliminated from the school budget. Frese will continue to work, creating a series of real lists with tiered suggestions for cuts that will be presented at the next meeting in November. A few possible reduction areas include: reducing the number of school days, eliminating summer school and/or transportation services, reductions of custodial services, the elimination of the Gateway school and/or the Teen Parent Program. Sports are again a possibility on the chopping block as are library services. Many other areas are also in the list of possibilities.
Trustee Helen Marsh summed up what many in the room were feeling saying, “It’s hard to talk about ways to better student achievement at one meeting and then talk about eliminating summer school at another.”
Frese cautioned trustees and staff that it is important to carefully consider and understand the effects of any cuts before making decisions. “We can’t base these decisions on dollars alone,” said Frese.
The next special budget meeting will be held on Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the district offices, 17850 Railroad Ave., Sonoma.
School district to present options for $2.3 million in budget cuts
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