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Bustergate 2011

Editor: When I read Ms. Jennifer’s letter about her wish for me, I felt compelled to take pen in paw and share my wishes for the new year, too. My first wish is that my neighbor lady, Ms. Jennifer, will find a new hobby besides spying on me and my humans. There must be many more interesting human things she can do, like maybe save those sheep from getting therapy (her other wish). I mostly like to sleep and chew things, myself. Maybe she should try that.

My second wish is that she check her facts before she says things. My humans have actually been hiring a very nice lady from “Mother’s Love Pet Sitting” that checks in on me every day that they are gone. She feeds me treats, takes me for walks, and makes sure my food and water is fresh each day. My humans never tie me up, ever– and they make sure I can come inside the house whenever I want, even when they are gone which is not very much because they are not rich even though Ms. Jennifer tried to make it seem like they are because they have an old, pre-owned, used-to-be fancy car that they bought free and clear after doing lots of hard human work things. My third wish for neighbor lady Jennifer is that the sheep share some of their therapy with her, so that maybe she can stop feeling like she has to make everyone else do things exactly the way she does them. Then, she might have a really nice year.

As Snoopy said, “I feel sorry for someone who has to win at everything.”
Buster Stubbs

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