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Sheana Davis speaks out

Editor’s note: In a letter addressed to the entire Sonoma Valley Community, Sheana Davis of The Epicurean Connection had the following to say:

Having been removed officially from the Friday morning Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market, I would like to share that my concerns did not start out as personal – but rather about accountability, transparency and honesty – and yet this entire situation has become intensely personal.

From the beginning my concern was that if a not-for-profit organization receives benefits, including “not-for-profit” rental rates on public property, then the non-profit should be held to the standards that all non-profits are held too. My questions were:

1.  Who is on the Board of Directors?
2.  When and where are the meetings held?
3.  What is the process to apply to the market?
       a. If one is accepted, what are the rules and regulations?
       b. If one is denied, what is the appeal process?
4. Where may the public read the by-laws of the Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market?
5. What is the process for which booth spaces are selected?
When I received the letter of my removal from the market, I was told in writing I was removed based upon Rule O of Section 111 (of which I have no copy), and that the decision was made by unanimous vote (for whom I do no know who they are, and when and where the meeting was held). In addition, the letter states that I complained to staff when the manager approached me at my booth during the peak of business hours (9 a.m.), that I complained to the board members, who also approached me during business hours in front of customers and fellow vendors, and also to customers who were shopping at the Farmers Market.

I would like to point out that our country is built on the platform that freedom of speech is our right and not a privilege. Just how can the market manager tell me I cannot speak my opinion? Yes, I have questioned the board of directors and the manager on the above issues. What I received in return was retaliation, bullying and eventually, removal from the market. I have received mean-spirited letters, phone calls and emails from people I do and do not know, yet I truly feel I am bringing the market forward with accountability, transparency and honesty.

Over the past two years the Farmer’s Market concerns have been brought to the attention of our community regarding its lack of transparency and accountability, yet now the conflict has become personal. In no way was or is my intention to remove Hilda Swartz as the manager, I was simply asking the above questions as I truly feel my spot at the Sonoma Valley Certified Farmers Market was not fair placement. Our company sets up weekly, year round, we arrive on time, stay through the end of the market – and yet our placement is at the end when new vendors and selected vendors are placed in the center. I understand not being placed in the center in the “Certified” section, as by law, a cheesemaker would have to own their animals, which I do not, but being consistent with my attendance, promptness and product selection, I could earn a spot closer to the center, yet on a regular basis I was moved down further to the end, after newer vendors or those who are from as far away as Fresno.

Now the entire situation has taken such a negative personal twist, I would like to add that I have known Hilda for 20-plus years, worked and volunteered in several capacities of the farmers market, including having sat on the board of directors, assisted in moving Hilda when she needed to be moved, helped with her mother Clarion when Clarion was sick, visited her husband Gordon when he was ill, attended both memorials, delivered food to Hilda in times of her personal needs at her home, invited her to our family parties, included her in my daughter’s celebrations, and yet this is not what the public sees.

As a  local business owner (The Epicurean Connection located in Sonoma Valley), and a cheesemaker (Delice de la Vallee, made with Sonoma County Organic Cow milk  & Goat Milk, produced in Berkeley in a USDA facility as required by law), I find it a huge disappointment that I now cannot participate in the Friday morning Farmers Market.
I am thankful that the City of Sonoma placed the Tuesday night market out for RFP and we have new management and a new board who have already begun to operate the new market with accountability, transparency and honesty. In addition, I am thankful that the County of Sonoma & Park and Recreation have also placed the Friday morning Farmers Market out to RFP and I am personally looking forward to change.
Thank you kindly,

Sheana Davis

The Epicurean Connection

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    One Comment

    1. jennifer jennifer

      Someone forgot to take there meds. But they sure can bob that job good.

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