Sonoma 2010 US Census population: 10,600
375 real estate agents and companies
32 financial institutions
40 investment services and advisors
25 financial services
58 insurance carriers
15 mortgage bankers and correspondents
13 banks:
Sonoma Bank, Exchange Bank, Bank of the West, US Bank, Citibank, Bank of Marin, Westamerica Bank, Union Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, First Bank, Rabobank
1 bank for every 815 people
1 real estate agent for every 28 people
1 investment service/ advisor for every 265 people
1 insurance carrier for every 182 people
The center of town, the Plaza and immediate surroundings, is comprised of businesses priced out of reach for the bottom 90%. Town is surrounded by gated homes and luxury estates. The cost of living in Sonoma is 36% higher than the national average. Gas is more, food is more and when I look around, I don’t see anything that qualifies as Main Street, just a Disneyland tourist fantasy and elite playground.
Let’s take back the Plaza and move Broadway Market to the big empty hulk across from the Mission.
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