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Public Health Hazard

Dear Editor: Jan. 4, 2012

Our beautiful city of Sonoma has much to offer its residents, and a clean environment is one of our greatest assets. During the last few years, I have noticed a growing disregard for our sidewalks, neighbors’ yards, and parks. Many dog owners ignore their responsibility to clean up in the areas where we walk and our children play. It has become almost impossible to walk down the sidewalk or along the bike trail without stepping over or into piles of dog feces.

Consider: If these unsightly piles were composed of human excrement, we would all be horrified and clamoring for the city to “do something about it.” For some strange reason, the attitude prevails that dog waste is cleaner than human waste. That is incorrect.

All feces contain bacteria and parasites that are harmful to humans and other animals. When a child running on the playground slips and lands in that mess, she is at risk. When a puppy sniffs it on the sidewalk, he may be exposed to parvo virus or tapeworm eggs.

After rainfall, the excrement washes into the groundwater and streams and creates a hazardous condition. As the gardeners blow leaves into the air, they also blow bacteria. Yes, along with dust and pollen, we breathe dried particles of dog feces.

The city has provided small blue bags for dog owners to use, but many people ignore them. People make scatological jokes, and we all laugh, but this is one instance where we should be alarmed. I propose we use our cameras to deter people from walking away from their dogs’ waste. This anti-social behavior would stop with enough public scorn. I also propose a fine for walking a dog without an available bag. In order for any society to function, everyone must show courtesy and obey the rules that benefit all. Why should we let a few lazy, irresponsible people ruin things for the rest of us?

Let’s try to keep our city clean and our residents healthy.

Carol Collier

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