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Pastor vs marriage equality

Editor: Sonoma Valley Sun,
I’m responding to comments made by Tim Arensmeier, pastor of the Sonoma Valley Community Church as he reacted to the news that the ninth circuit ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional in the Wednesday, February 8 edition of The Press Democrat.
First he said, speaking of marriage, “I see the fabric of our society being dismantled and destroyed.” I am offended at his accusation that the LGBT community is in any way at fault for the destruction of “marriage”.
The divorce rate of heterosexual couples first marriage is at an all time high of 45-50% and that percentage only goes up on their second and yes, sometimes third marriages. If one wishes to fix the fabric of our society then they should attempt to work on the divorce epidemic.
Today many heterosexual couples get married for the sole purpose of an unexpected child, immigration status or social security benefits. Shouldn’t the real reason for marriage be that two people are in love and want to spend their lives together?
Second he said “marriage was intended by God to be only between one man and one woman”. To Mr. Arensmeier I say, people in this country are lucky enough to have the right to choose the religious belief system that best fits their needs but remember, people of the LGBT community are not lucky enough to have the choice to choose the sexual orientation that best fits your religious beliefs.
The United States Of America is a free country, that said, religious freedoms should and will be protected, but religious beliefs must not dictate the fundamental civil rights of all people, or it will no longer be a free country!
This is where the constitution comes in handy, as it was written to protect all people of this great country. We all share the dreams and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness regardless of what Mr Arensmeier’s beliefs are.

I highly recommend to everyone of faith (or not) a book by Chris Masterson, “The Big Picture”

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    One Comment

    1. Max_voltage_sf Max_voltage_sf

      I imagine the pastor is unaware of intersex folks such as myself who have been born, lived, died AND married right along side men and women the whole time. Intersex folks are either natural reoccuring biology.. or made by Gawd. Maybe intersex folks are part of Gawd’s Plan, to teach the ignorant that bigotry is for fools.

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