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Time for Campaign Truth

As a candidate for 1st District Supervisor, I attended and spoke at the candidates’ forum on April 5th. The author of a Letter to the Editor printed in the Sonoma Valley Sun didn’t just misstate my position on climate change, she fabricated words I never said. Not only did I affirm my belief that climate change is happening, I spoke at length about the harm it will cause in Sonoma County – warming, increased aridity, and change in weather patterns and vegetation.

It is because of my strong commitment and record of success in protecting our environment that I am the only candidate who has been endorsed by the Sierra Club and Sonoma Conservation Action, the two largest environmental organizations in the County.

My endorsements also include scores of environmental leaders who join with me in efforts to slow and stop climate change though conservation, reuse, recycling, public education, adaptation and policies based on sound science.

Voters will see past this deception. Given the truth, I believe voters are smart enough to decide who the real environmentalists are in this election. For more on my positions regarding the environment visit my website:

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    One Comment

    1. Debra Costner Debra Costner

      As the author of the letter that Susan Gorin is referring, SHE is now misquoting what my letter said. In fact Gorin did talk about “climate change” as my letter stated. However, David Bolling specifically asked, “Do you believe in ‘global warming’ and . . . ;” continuing on he asked in more detail about climate change affecting our community.

      Gorin’s response was, “No. Not global warming. But we are experiencing climate change.” This is exactly what you hear on FOX news, where they deny “global warming” (and of course the human cause and affect) and discuss instead “climate change” as if it is only a matter of natural evolution.

      As a former newspaper publisher myself, I am very conscious of using quotes appropriately and stand behind what I heard at the forum! Perhaps tonight I’ll be bring my tape recorder to the forum.

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