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Write-In Election Strategy…Hidden Pitfalls


There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth by some folks in the Sonoma Valley about the fact that the run-off for the 1st District Supervisor’s seat will not include one of the three Valley candidates. I know that is mind-boggling to those who were brought up to believe that the 1st District is a “Valley seat”, but you can thank the Citizen’s Redistricting Committee for up-ending that long-standing precedent. Over 50% of the district is now in Oakmont and Eastern Santa Rosa. Those are the facts of life. The candidates did not initiate that change. Get used to it, for at least another ten years.

The Valley candidates all acquitted themselves well, in their own fashion. Mark Bramfitt was a refreshing discovery, an accomplished engineer with a deep knowledge of public infra-structure issues and a bright and charming guy. Gina Cuclis worked diligently for years, laying the groundwork and paying the dues in terms of consistent attendance at the Board of Supervisor’s meeting. Joanne Sanders fought fiercely, and was gracious in defeat.

There is a clear choice in this election, a choice between two fundamentally different governing philosophies, as well as significant achievement gaps in term of preparation for the complex local and regional challenges of a modern County Supervisor. Susan Gorin is considerably better prepared, given her long and distinguished service as councilwoman, Mayor, and member of numerous regional boards, to meet the demands of a 21st century Supervisor.

I must issue the disclaimer that this is an unsolicited appreciation for Susan Gorin. She is more discreet and less ideological than me. She’ll tell her story in her own way. I seek to speak to the Valley residents who may have voted for either Gina or Mark, to rethink their position, given the stakes in this important election. A half-baked write–in campaign will only muddy the waters.

This is the point to ponder: which candidate represents my political values, and who has the skills and experience to get the job done. That’s an easy choice for me. I’ll work hard to elect Susan Gorin for Supervisor.

Ben Boyce

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