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Chateau Sonoma

Editor: In imagining a development as large as Chateau Sonoma, being built right in the heart of the City of Sonoma, makes one shudder and want to run away from it!
It may bring in all that money from more tourists, but at what expense. Is it worth it to compromise the look of our town center. It is like a Mall, with restaurants, spa, hotel rooms (which will displace the tenants already living there and working close by)
Maybe it could work if the project would be built out on Broadway, on property such as the recent Truck and Auto Center. It is still for sale. at least the sign is still up. Others have suggested this possibility also. It is still within walking distance of the Plaza, not that it would solve any of the traffic problems. But it might curtail some people from driving instead of walking to the Plaza.
As for putting a roundabout at Broadway and Napa St. no one will recognize our town, and will go sailing around the roundabout heading for Napa valley!
I do appreciate all the work that has been going into this project, but I hope a better plan will emerge.

Doreen Proctor

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