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John Sawyer for Supervisor



Running for public office is not easy. It’s not for the faint of heart. So I commend both John Sawyer and Susan Gorin – as well as others who have the courage to step up to seek office on the local, state and national level. We who do not are indebted to them for the time and talent they spend dealing with issues critical to our quality of life.

Environmental issues and outdoor recreation have been my passions. In the 25 years I’ve lived in the Sonoma Valley I’ve had the privilege of serving as a volunteer on the City of Sonoma Environmental Advisory Commission, the Sonoma County Parks Commission, the Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission, the Board of the Sonoma Ecology Center and the steering committee of the campaign that kept a casino from being built on the Baylands. I am also the co-founder of the Sonoma Overlook Trail and have chaired the California State Trails Commission.

However, having operated a small business I recognize the need to balance these interests with concerns for the economy and need to create and keep jobs in Sonoma County.

I take voting seriously and before making a decision try to assess a candidate’s positions, character and ability to represent us. Like many I wanted our Supervisor to come from Sonoma Valley and voted for a local candidate in the primary. We lost and must now choose between two candidates who live in the north end (Santa Rosa area) of our district.

I have chosen to support John Sawyer for the following reasons.

(1) While he does not live in Sonoma Valley, John is a homeowner whose roots are in our District. His great grandparents immigrated here in the 1890s and like his grandparents and parents he was born and raised here.

(2) John has a business background, having operated a small business for 34 years. He has broad backing from agriculture, business and tourism.

(3) John has the majority support of the current members of the Santa Rosa City Council on which he serves and the majority of the current members of the Board of Supervisors, which he hopes to serve.

(4) John is completing his term on the Santa Rosa City Council. If elected he has pledged to serve out his term and not run for higher office.

(5) John has studied the issues important to residents of Sonoma Valley and has convinced me that he can and will represent us in Santa Rosa.

The office of County Supervisor is non-partisan and party labels do not appear on the ballot. As someone who is registered as an independent I look for candidates who have proven they can work with and for persons of all political persuasions. While John is a Democrat I feel he has the ability to represent the broad spectrum of Democrats, Republicans and independents like myself.

The Sonoma Valley will be well served by the balanced approach offered by John Sawyer.

Karen Collins

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