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Tired of Theft

Tired of the theft

I have been meaning to write about this subject for some time, but then I always seem to let it go. After reading Larry Barnett’s article I thought now was the time. I have been the victim of two kidnappings and one rather serious assault. Well, not exactly me, actually it was my statues of St. Francis. I’m sure you have all seen a version of this statue usually showing St. Francis with the hole in the middle haircut, a long robe cinched at the waist with rope, and his hands held close to his chest clutching a bird in his right hand. My statues were formed out of concrete. They were special to me on two levels; the first being that he is the patron saint of the city where I was born and raised, and second that I share his love of animals.
My first two statues were stolen outright. This year after returning from seeing friends over the New Year holiday we found our third St. Francis, a much heavier version, in pieces in front of our home. Apparently the thief/thieves were able to carry him to the street and then dropped him while attempting to load him into the getaway vehicle. Anticipating the possibility of a third theft, I had purchased two statues prior, having placed the second statue in my backyard in a sort of “on deck circle”. My lovely neighbors had asked me if I would not mind having him face their yard so that they could enjoy his presence. I have informed them that I will have to move him up to the “batters box” soon.
We have been in Sonoma for over seven years now and my wife and I just love it here. I read both of the local papers and have grown tired of people that think it is OK to take something that does not belong to them. Whether it is bikes or plants left on a front porch, plants dug up and removed from the front yard, Christmas decorations, delivered packages, or statuary, enough is enough. I know that we are not in need of hiring on a former NYPD commissioner, but when something is stolen from you there is a sense of loss and victimization.
I read Larry’s column every week and believe him to be a kind and gentle man, and like Larry I too at first thought that maybe the person who took my property needs it more than I do. I do not feel that way anymore. Let’s watch out for each other.

Bill Carle

Bill Carle

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