Editor: My name is Nina Embervine and I live in Boulder, Colorado. My Mom lives in Rohnert Park. She is very fond of visiting Jack London Park, when my husband and I visited her a couple years ago, she took us up to the site and we got to explore the grounds and the magical and historical places where Jack London lived, loved, and wrote his novels. My whole life I have been very interested in the arts and I myself paint and draw, and have done it since I was two years old. A lot of my work has centered around trees. My Mom had been telling me about the tree outside Jack London’s home for years, and how special she thought it was, and how special she felt that I would find it. Sure enough, I will never forget coming to the property and seeing the tree for the first time. It was magical to look upon the same living tree that Jack London looked upon when he wrote his novels. The tree is so beautiful, complex and historical. Upon returning from the trip in 2011, I drew a picture from pastel and charcoal, the tree deeply inspired me and shares a special place in my family’s heart.
I was very disheartened to hear from my Mom today that the park is going to cut the tree down. Is this true? The tree is a living link to Jack London and holds such and awesome and beautiful place there. I am writing to you today to ask that you consider all of the future people, young and old, who have not had to opportunity to experience the beauty and history of the tree, and all of the people who have: That tree is more than just a tree, it is a bridge between the past, present and future. Surely there are other options that could be explored to preserve something so precious and rare.
My husband visited the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest, England. The tree is 800-1000 years old, and is held up by a variety of rods and tethers. People come from far and wide to visit that tree, and it has been maintained. There are many trees in the world that are considered to be sacred by the people in their communities, and are cared for and maintained by the people. The Jack London tree is one of those trees too. It is our responsibility to care for the tree and preserve it, for present and future generations to feel inspired and connected to our past, and to better enrich and inform our future.
Nina Embervine