Editor: I have requested that the City Council postpone any pending decision regarding water rates for the City of Sonoma until the new City Council members are in office, as has been done with the proposed rules for tobacco vendors. As water is an important issue, I feel that whatever decisions are made should occur after there is adequate time for public input, understanding, and support.
As a resident of Sonoma, I have actively been reducing my water consumption by replacing my lawn with drought tolerant plants. I have also put in low volume toilets/bathroom fixtures, and have an energy efficient washing machine and dishwasher. Further, I monitor the frequency I take showers as well.
The issue of water conservation is an important one, not only now but into the future. It is my belief that most Sonoma residents acknowledge this and are already taking measures to decrease their water usage. It is my intent to attend the Water Forum on October 30 to learn more about additional possibilities of saving and using our water.
Marilyn Kelly
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