Editor: After hearing the candidates speak and reading interviews with them in both local newspapers, I have finally decided on the three candidates I will vote for in the coming election. For the past four years, we have had a council with a majority that mostly sided with business interests, regardless of the impact on Sonoma residents. So, I was looking for candidates who would consider the needs and wishes of the residents of Sonoma.
I too decided not to vote for Ken Brown when he flip-flopped on the gas-powered leaf blower issue, and I also believe sixteen years is long enough for one person to hold a local office.
My votes go to Jack Wagner, Cameron Stuckey, and Madolyn Agrimonti. I have spoken with the first two on issues that matter to me, which include bringing back the issue of banning gas-powered leaf blowers. The fact that our city, a Citta Slow city, did not take that step last year when so many California cities have long ago banned them, clearly put landscapers’ interests (not their workers who would have more work!) ahead of the residents of Sonoma.
Jack Wagner, Cameron Stuckey, and Madolyn Agrimonti have demonstrated that they will listen to the citizens of Sonoma, not just the business interests. So, they have my votes.
Georgia Kelly
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