Happy 2015 everyone! The year ended with high (wind) drama and a deluge of much needed rain. It is my hope that everyone enjoyed a happy holiday season despite the numerous rain and wind events that managed to capture headlines as the year wound down.
As I reflect on 2014, I am most struck by the tremendous sense of spirit here in Sonoma. Participation in our community improves the quality of life for everyone. Whether volunteering for a non-profit, a county commission or committee, or simply keeping an eye out for an elderly neighbor down the street, you make a difference. Thank you for your service, for enhancing our community, and for providing an example to others.
Board changes for 2015
At its first regular meeting, after January 1 of each year, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors nominates and elects from its membership a Chair, Vice Chair, and a Chair Pro-Tempore. I have served as Vice Chair of the Board for 2014, and will be honored to service as Chair in 2015. The Chair serves as presiding officer of the Board, rules on questions of procedure, and executes official Board records and documents presented by the County Administrator/Clerk. The Chair preserves order and decorum and decides all questions of order and procedure subject to agreement of the Board. The Chair presides at ceremonial and official functions.
Annually, the incoming Chair determines the Regional, Committee and Liaison Assignments for the Supervisors for the upcoming year, which is then adopted by the Board at their first meeting in January. The purpose of establishing Liaison Assignments for each Supervisor to a functional group of departments emphasizes a structure that facilitates communications, encourages discussion of common goals and objectives, develops knowledge of the County departments and builds relationships among the Board, County Administrator’s office and County departments and Department Directors.
Winter storms
December was wonderful for our water tables, but challenging in terms of getting around! We saw flooding, trees fall and potholes appearing or widening overnight. While most of us were inside staying dry and warm, a fleet of county workers were on the job fixing issues as they arose. We owe a huge thank-you to our City and County Public Works and Road Maintenance staff. These individuals worked long hours in wet and sometimes dangerous environments in order to keep us safe. They unclogged drains, rerouted drivers around flooded roadways, and worked tirelessly to reopen roads that suffered serious damage. In particular, I would like to thank the Sonoma Road Crew who worked on our behalf: Joe Gonzales (supervisor), Michael Duane, Troy Duncan, Todd Foursha, Jason Gaab, Christopher Hadsell and Nick Taylor.
I have been asked about potential flooding as the result of creek beds with overgrowth and debris. I wish the answer were simple, but it is not. Many flooding problems are directly related to debris, vegetation and silt on private property, impeding flow and causing flooding outside the banks. Maintenance of creeks can also be challenging due to environmental rules and permitting. While many states permit jurisdictions to access drainage channels to protect public and private property from flooding, California does not. Therefore, the county is specifically prohibited from mitigation measures.
A more lasting reminder of the storms has been the over abundance of potholes that have emerged around every corner, on every street. We ask your patience as our Roads Crew prioritizes the work that needs to be done. We’ll get there, but the sheer volume of potholes and roads degraded by storm damage will take time to address.
Maxwell Farms Regional Park Master Plan update project
Maxwell Park is arguably one of the most important recreational areas in the Sonoma Valley. Many constituents and interest groups have talked with me about adding a variety of amenities in the park; so we needed to create a community outreach process to solicit your ideas and develop a plan for the future. Geographically, it rests at the edge of the city and marks the beginning of the Springs area. Demographically, the park serves the widest range and greatest number of folks in the valley. The future of the park must reflect both the needs and the interests of the greatest number of people. We need your input and ideas.
The original Master Plan for the 85-acre property was completed in 1986 in accordance with a conservation easement restricting uses other than those that would maintain the openness and rural character of the western two-thirds of the site. Development of the initial park features were completed by 1988, and in the mid 1990s a Master Plan amendment was approved, and additional facilities were constructed including the Boys and Girls Club, a new baseball field, the skate park, and a renovated play area.
Project overview:
Sonoma County Regional Parks Department has started a planning process to update the Master Plan for this important Sonoma park. The process will consider the current and future needs of the community, and make recommendations for new park amenities, facilities and programs. The goal of the Master Plan update is to develop an overall vision that is responsive to community needs while balancing natural resource values, as well as parking and safety issues to create an exciting, and sustainable future for the park. An approved plan will provide a road map to guide future renovations and improvement projects as resources become available.
Anticipated project timeline:
Online community survey through February
Community workshop #1: Preliminary Programming
January 14
Development of plan alternatives and traffic impact study
March – April
Community workshop #2: Review of plan alternatives:
Preparation preferred plan
May – June
Community workshop #3: Presentation of the draft plan
Address public comments and initiate environmental review
June – Sept
Finalize Master Plan amendment and CEQA documentation
Parks and Maxwell’s public meeting
Project Manager: Scott Wilkinson / 707-565-2743 / Scott.Wilkinson@sonoma-county.org
Website for More Information:
Make your voices heard:
Public input is vital to determine the community needs and priorities for improvements, and community workshops are planned as an integral part of the process. Regional Parks will host the first community workshop on Wednesday January 14, 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club Discovery Room, Maxwell Park. The workshop will provide an opportunity for the community to discuss the issues, and share ideas for various facility and programming improvements. In addition to the workshop, an online community survey is available through the end of February to help gather initial public input. Additional workshops will be scheduled to review plan alternatives and the draft preferred plan as they develop.
The online community survey is available through the following links:
English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/maxwellparksurvey
Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/encuestasobreparquemaxwell
In the coming year, I hope to work with Sonoma County Regional Parks and the Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District to profile the activities and planning efforts in Sonoma Valley that will result in recreational opportunities for all of us. Until then, take advantage of our sunny weather to hike, bike and come out to discuss your ideas for our parks.
Happy New Year!
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