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Letters to the Editor

Measure P still needed
After the cliffhanger caused by the state budget delays, I was pleased that the design-build legislation authored by Sen. Wiggins in favor of Sonoma Valley Hospital has at last been signed into law by Gov. Schwarzenegger. The new law allows our hospital to use design-build methods for the first time and, in the process, to streamline construction, save time and use our limited funds more effectively.
That’s all good news. But it doesn’t in any way reduce the need for the vitally important reconstruction funds that will be provided by Measure P on the November ballot.
The time has come for the people of our community to finally do something good for ourselves. Vote “YES” on Measure P and keep our ER, and the hospital that supports it, open.
It’s the right thing to do!
Norman Gilroy

Thanks hospital board
As someone with 25 years in the municipal bond business, I have written letters critical of the financial viability of previous hospital proposals. Now, however, I am happy to say that I wholeheartedly support Measure P. The community’s input finally helped the board arrive at a reasonably priced solution that makes real sense in these tough economic times. The efforts of CEO Carl Gerlach and Sonoma community leaders, like Norman Gilroy, to promote design-build legislation, recently signed by the governor, makes Measure P an even more logical choice. This new legislation also may provide the future template to help many other district hospitals struggling to survive. Such efforts merit nothing less than total support of Measure P by district voters, as it represents a value priced and right-sized solution to rebuild our hospital right in its present location. I thank this board for really listening and correctly assessing what is best for the community. Although disappointed, even the supporters of more grandiose hospital plans should be thankful that a rebuilt hospital is now within the community’s reach. I’m sure their public support of Measure P at this critical time would be welcomed and appreciated.
Dennis Hipps

Sending the wrong message
Recently I was walking my dog on First Street by the Little League field. I was admiring how nice the field looked and thinking back about all the good times with my son playing baseball, when I saw the sponsor sign for Sebastiani and Sons, nicely displayed, very large and right where everyone can see it. One BIG problem – it depicts three men standing with a golf club maybe, and then I looked and WHAT? One of the men is smoking. Is this the message we want to send to our young kids? Do we want to glamorize smoking? While I appreciate that the Sebastiani family supports the Little League, I feel an advertisement like this is best displayed on a street or highway, not at a Little League field.
Mary Reece

Cut the greed, Citigroup
: That is what got us into this financial bailout mess!
If you cannot buy out Wachovia without fed help (taxpayer’s money), get paid for your investment to date and back out. If Wells Fargo can buy it on their own, without taxpayer assistance, that’s how it should be.
Should you end up legally forcing the issue, and we taxpayers have to assist, I can guarantee you Citi will NOT see any of my money in your institution.
And you can “take (or not take) that to the bank!”
Gary Germano

Brown demonstrates leadership
I have been a lifelong Sonoma Valley resident, and have personally known many of the previous First District Supervisors.
When Valerie Brown was first elected as our supervisor, she made a difference, a difference that benefited Sonoma Valley area residents in a very positive way. In the last six years, $54,468,000 has been applied to the First District for purchases of open space. Valerie has also helped the Sonoma Valley get our fair share of dollars for promoting tourism, an important part of our economy.
I really appreciate that Valerie Brown stands up for the preservation of agriculture, environmental interests and business concerns of all. From personal experience, I have found that she listens to all constituents and has always demonstrated an open-door policy to discuss the topics of concern.
While not all decisions or choices a supervisor makes may be popular ones, with Valerie Brown, I know that she has done so because they are ones that she believes are the best for our district and community. That is a mark of a true leader.
We need a strong and experienced voice that represents our district well. We do not want to start all over with the First District. We need to build on what we have and make it better for all.
Supervisor Brown has demonstrated the leadership and earned the right to continue the excellent job she has done for the people in the First District.
My vote is with Valerie Brown.
Jeff Kunde

Yes for both P’s
Vote for Will Pier and vote for Measure P to keep our hospital. We need a new supervisor who supports good land use planning. Supervisor Brown supported Measure C and the taking of the Leveroni farmland by eminent domain. She also approved the development of an elaborate resort north of Kenwood. We need a supervisor who has an environmental ethic and is not influenced by those with money. Will Pier supported keeping our hospital in town and reusing our present hospital resources. Supervisor Brown was behind the building of a totally new hospital out in our green belt. Please vote for P to refurbish our hospital where it is and to maintain our very needed ER. And vote for Will Pier who is in touch with the community he lives in.
Marilyn Goode

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