April water use for City of Sonoma residents averages 121 gallons, while the nearby Valley of the Moon Water District residents each use 59 gallons. The state-wide average is 83 gallons per person. Is that because of the more affluent residents using city water? Is it because of Sonoma tourist housing—hotels, B&Bs, etc.? Is it because city residents are less conscientious about their water use?
What can be done to lower city residents’ water use? What should be done? Is it acceptable that Sonomans use about 50% more water per person than the state-wide average, and double the amount used by VOMWD folks?
Thank you to the users of Valley of the Moon Water District water for their community-minded and wise use of a precious resource we all share.
Bruce Stern, El Verano
Most people care only about themselves .Big surprise . Lets keep cramming three and four families into the two bedroom apartments .