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Fiorina stands tall

A few weeks ago, I watched a TV interview with a presidential candidate unlike any other, past or present: Leadership savvy and guts. A first-class mind. Strong and secure. Articulate and concise. Executive management experience and temperament. An exception to career politicians and crony capitalists — the political class that has set us on the road to bankruptcy and dangerously weakened our position in the world.

Smallest in stature, this candidate towered over the field in the first presidential debates. Note this from the op-ed page of the San Francisco Chronicle: “… proved more than ready for prime time with steely poise, straight-ahead answers, and command of policy nuances….”

At last we have the candidate many have longed for but never really expected to see. Carly Fiorina is the person we need as president.

Alden Brosseau
Sonoma Valley

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    One Comment

    1. No Way No Way

      Carly stands out among the Republican candidates because she is a woman, a species Republicans clearly do not understand or like very much, if their policies and attitudes regarding women and their reproductive/seductive abilities are any measure. And they are. How will Carly convince other women (54% of the electorate) that she and her GOP-controlled government will not tell them – under penalty of being drown as a witch – what they can or cannot do with or to their own bodies or in the bedroom? Or why they staunchly refuse to pass equal pay legislation so women can earn the same as men for the same work? Or other countless slights and abuses meted out at the sweaty groping hands of the Good Ol’ Boys?
      That’s why Carly stands out: her willingness to pander to the sex fears and inadequacies of the white-sheeted, white male evangelical base of a far right party, more than happy to sacrifice women on the altar of her ambitions so she can erase the humiliation of her previous disasters in the public and private sector.
      Speaking of which: it’s no secret she was fired by HP after tanking the company’s stock 50% during her turn at the wheel, which left 30,000 employees jobless. So unappealing was she as a general election candidate that she was humiliated by Barbara Boxer in a laughable run for the senate, featuring a ‘devil sheep’ ad that became fodder for late night comics.
      Voters make fun of Donald Trumps hair, and Rick Perry’s glasses, and the myriad superficial appearance qualities of the rest of the pack (Bernie’s hair & Hillary’s hips), but one glance into Carly’s eyes when she’s smiling and you can’t help get the feeling that she has first-hand information about what happened to Hanzel & Gretel.

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