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Letters to the Editor

Valley issues focus of meeting

Editor: Last month, Supervisor Valerie Brown and I decided that it would be beneficial to have a community meeting to discuss general issues in Sonoma Valley, including current crime issues, gangs and a recent sexual assault case that has concerned all of us. We have set this meeting up for Jan. 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Sonoma Valley Grange.
With all the dialogue about the recent shooting, I have seen a fair amount of misinformation and speculation that may be leading some to make inaccurate conclusions. Therefore, I would like to add this topic to the list of discussion items for this meeting.
I would like to invite the public to attend the meeting to ask questions and engage in dialogue that should be constructive for all involved. I will be discussing issues such as police practices, use of force and the investigative and review process. Please join Supervisor Brown and me on Thursday, Jan. 15.

Bill Cogbill, Sheriff-Coroner

Questions apple moth threat

Editor: As you know, spraying has been indefinitely postponed for the light brown apple moth (LBAM). Thank goodness, because the spray can drift up to four miles from its target. Instead, the state wants to use pheromone twist ties.
We need to be careful though, because even if the hormones are limited to twist ties instead of aerial spray, the rain washes them into the water table, which already has a build-up of hormones from septic tank leech lines (women’s birth control pills end up in sewage, as do other pharmaceuticals).
Hormones are powerful chemicals, operating at the level of parts per billion (that’s with a “b”)!
Farmers “down under” report that the LBAM, which has been there for a century, causes only minor harm. Do we really need to eradicate them here?
Journalists should “follow the money.” For instance, the sterile moths program will cost $37 million per year. Now, more than ever, that’s a lot of money for an unnecessary program.

Lauren Ayers

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