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Sonoma Valley rallies for climate change

A rally on Sonoma Plaza for action on climate change, hosted by Transition Sonoma Valley and the Earth Care Committee of the First Congregational Church, will part of a “Global Climate March” on Sunday, November 29.

Beginning at noon, a pre-march rally will be held at Burlingame Hall, 252 W. Spain St. The march begins at approximately 12:30 p.m.

The event is part of a worldwide effort. On the eve of the United Nations Climate Summit in Paris (Nov. 30 to Dec. 11), concerned citizens will come together for a week of marches and demonstrations to ensure that world, national and local governmental leaders understand that people demand action to stop the increase of carbon in the earth’s atmosphere.

Everyone is welcome to the Sonoma march, including senior citizens, students, children, grandchildren and pets. The group will convene near the intersection of Broadway and Napa Street in support of sustained political action on behalf of the environment

On November 21, Members of Transition Sonoma Valley joined the Climate Mobilization Rally in Oakland on Saturday, calling on world leaders to adopt an agreement on global warming.

“I’m marching because climate change connects us all, and because California is increasingly being ravaged by its impacts,” said May Boeve, (white shirt, at left) executive director of

A coalition of over 100 labor, environmental, faith, and social justice groups marched from the Lake Merritt Amphitheatre to Ogawa Plaza on Broadway. Speakers demanded a legally binding global agreement to implement rapid, effective and just responses to climate change at the upcoming summit.

(Photos take at Oakland event on November 21)


  1. Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

    What are we going to do with all those SUVs ? Are we going to stop people from squirting out 4 and 5 kids ? Are we going to allow schools to teach birth control ? ARE WE ? I’m sure the Chinese will stop burning coal . DREAM ON ! We can’t possibly inhibit someone’s Ethnic or religious beliefs . We just need more sewage treatment plants , more solid waste dump sites , more hospital emergency rooms that give away free service . And the taxpayers will be thrilled .

  2. Casey Casey

    Ok Jack, sounds like we should just be complacent and do nothing at all and continue to march towards our eventual demise because it’s just too hard (or inconvenient) to change….

    • Jack Shmolie Jack Shmolie

      Wave the flag .I do wish you could make a difference .I just have a very negative view of peoples ability to think about what is really going on .Most people don’t give a fig .We will continue to populate with hoards of mouths to feed who will continue to create waste and pollution . A small minority will join the march .But most will drive those SUV’s .The conservatives will continue to preach sexual abstinence as opposed to birth control .The religious will continue with “God’s will” . And nobody will allow a landfill in their backyard .Good luck to you .I’m going to put on a CSN&Y record right now and see if I can change my defeatist attitude .

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