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Thank you, volunteers

This week our nation will focus on volunteers and their countless hours of service.  In the media individuals will be spotlighted for their extraordinary contributions and collectively volunteers will be recognized for their power to make a difference.  Volunteering, although not unique to the United States, is part of our nation’s fabric.  Sonoma is a model for volunteer opportunities as  most of the local nonprofits are fueled by volunteers.  A special thanks to each and every Sonoma volunteer for their contribution in making our community stronger and more vibrant.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our 145 FISH volunteers who for 45 years have been serving valley residents by providing life’s essentials – food, rides to medical appointments, clothing, layettes, Holiday Baskets, rental assistance and more.  Our volunteers answer phones, provide rides, pick up food, pack food baskets, assemble layettes, sort tons of donated clothing, solve problems and look for ways to be helpful while offering a sympathetic ear.
FISH volunteers tend to be very committed- a number have been volunteering for over 40 years!  FISH volunteers tend not to like the limelight or too many kudos.  FISH volunteers tend to be no frills, grassroots workers.  At FISH we tend to look at volunteering as a vehicle for us to share our abundance with others.  Along with other Sonoma volunteers FISH volunteers find personal fulfillment in their service.
The week of April 10 -16 is a time to celebrate volunteering and to inspire others to experience the joy of living and giving generously.  Let’s lift a glass to all Sonoma’s volunteers and thank them for their service and for their inspiration.  Well done!
Sandy Piotter
FISH of Sonoma Valley
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