I empathize with the writer and their frustration at the rude behavior of the vacation renters. Though all the same problems described can and do happen as often with long term renters and even owners. I have serious doubts that the proposed restrictions of trade will effectively abate the problems. I have a neighbor who is regularly up until 3,4,5 in the morning playing loud music and hooting and hollering. He owns his house. Unfortunately even if you could make rude behavior against the law it would be virtually impossible to enforce that. The rental contracts have clauses in them where the renters agree to certain standards of behavior. If they’re not being honored by the renters, it’s incumbent on the agencies or owners to hold the renters accountable. Maybe making contracts like that and holding people/parties accountable should be the focus rather than diminishing trade opportunities.
– Phineas Worthington (from Facebook)
On “X” vacation rental zone
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