Appreciates Sonoma Valley Hospital
Editor: Recently, I experienced the services at Sonoma Valley Hospital for a very minor surgery. Even though minor, it seemed to require, in addition to a surgeon and an anesthesiologist, the assistance of some eight nurses, nurses aids and student nurses.
I was impressed with the undivided care and attention that every one of these professionals gave to my case. They took their work seriously, albeit with a wonderful sense of humor. The latter attitude made me forget about the embarrassment of being dressed in a hospital gown not necessarily created by Yves St. Laurent, and only loosely covering everything. It was – almost – a pleasant experience.
The organization – from pre-op to surgery to recovery and release – was seamless and smooth to a fault. I also appreciate that we have a human-size hospital in the area and that we do not have to travel to the giant edifices in nearby towns, over bumpy roads with the attendant risk of shaking bandages loose.
I am about to recover quickly, and my heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes to the many cheerful and caring staff members.
Reiner Keller
Questions Councilmember’s views on community
Editor: Councilman Sebastiani is quoted in the newspaper as saying that he is opposed to “subsidized” housing for Sonoma and that he doesn’t believe in “community-ism.” That’s puzzling considering he’s the beneficiary of both affirmative action and subsidized housing.
Fortunately for him Sebastiani had a very successful ready-made family business to go into at an early age. Did this lucky circumstance come about due to years of experience, developed expertise or a hard-earned reward based on merit, or is this an example of affirmative action based on privilege?
In addition he was able to buy an expensive house on the east side of town while still in his early or mid-twenties, no doubt subsidized at least in part by his family.
Seems to me the councilman has conveniently forgotten that community and family blessings have come his way simply by being born into a generous and caring family. If that isn’t being subsidized, what is?
It’s odd and troubling that Sebastiani has taken a position in opposition to “community-ism,” given his family background of service and generosity toward the community – the Sonoma Valley Hospital, the Sebastiani Theatre, etc. If this councilman doesn’t believe in serving the community, then what is he doing in politics?
Will Shonbrun
Boyes Springs
Editor: One wonders how Councilman Sebastiani won the respect and votes of the community when he now decries the very people and community that elected him.
“I don’t believe in community-ism.”
This grape has apparently fallen very far from his ancestral vine.
Judith B. Friedman
Editor: To Councilman Sebastiani: Let me see if I get you straight. First, you attempt to foist your religious symbol (in the form of a crèche) on our Plaza, though it does not represent all faiths in Sonoma. Then, you go against “community-ism” and affordable housing. Interesting. As I know it, some who share the Christian faith declare Jesus as not only one of the greatest community organizers in history, but also someone who embodied “community-ism” through faith in action. I have no doubt he would have voted for affordable housing for those in our community not fortunate enough to be either born into wealth or having amassed wealth through good fortune.
To those calling for a recall of Barbose, Brown and Gallian, the three council members with a penchant for not only upholding the law, but a track record of actions relating to living out Matthew 25:40: I suggest a recall on greed, elitism and stereotyping of low-income contributors to our community.
Thank you also to Laurie Gallian for displaying the kind of courageous leadership through vulnerability in sharing her own history with us. I am thrilled to have you on our City Council!
Leslie Sheridan
Where are the wealthiest in times of crisis?
Editor: Where are the wealthiest individuals in America and the corporations who continue to hand out large multi-million dollar compensation packages to top execs, while laying off skilled American workers?
Candidly, we need a redirection of wealth. Not the Robin Hood type. This has to be of the free will of those who control it. It is time for those who control this wealth to take the high road and help maintain the integrity of our national security by partnering with unemployed American workers, federal, state and local governments by investing in a labor force who can help educate, develop products, infrastructure and markets for the future.
Corporations need to redirect monies to keep more people working. How many fully burdened employees could you keep per year in redirecting $1-$100 million per year, per company, across 50-500 companies? It seems that we have lost sight of the universal law, that “no one person is larger than the sum.”
We have an estimated 400 billionaires and thousands of multi millionaires in this country. They need to form a nonprofit agency in which all would make a contribution. This money would be used to create jobs that this country needs to remain successful and competitive moving forward. Since most of these people control large companies or corporations, they would have vast resources at their disposal, which would allow them to maximize the placement of a skilled unemployed labor force. Of course this would all be of their free will, but perhaps one of the biggest challenges they have ever faced.
This country has an enormous amount of private wealth, which can easily be invested now. It is time for everyone to look at the big picture, pull together and share our resources with those who need it. How much does one person need?
Jim Stranzl
Appreciates community support
Editor: HGTV and my family want to offer our sincerest thanks to the city and citizens of Sonoma who have been so supportive, patient and forgiving during the construction and roll-out of the 2009 HGTV Dream Home. We especially want to acknowledge the neighbors along Fifth Street East and in Armstrong Estates.
As projects and promotions go, this has been seamless. It has also brought some much needed attention and visitorship to Sonoma which in these uncertain times is welcome. Additionally and through March, the tours of the home are supporting the Ledson Harmony Foundation which in turn puts the money back into the community for worthy causes and individuals.
Again, thank you Sonoma for supporting the 2009 HGTV Dream Home!
Steve Ledson and HGTV
Praise for Hill on History column
Editor: We thoroughly enjoyed the article “Obama to follow Lincoln inaugural tradition” by Gerald Hill (Jan. 16). It is clear that the subject was well researched. The article is timely and provides a historical background we all need to understand the future. We appreciate the Sun valuing the importance of such fine, scholarly journalism and thoughtful writing. We are sharing the article with family and friends. Please provide us with more articles of this caliber.
Remo and Johanna Patri
Thanks Bush
Editor: The following letter was sent to outgoing President Bush:
Recently the Sonoma Valley Community Health Center received a U.S. Treasury check for $650,916. Each year for five years the health center will receive a like amount from the federal government. That comes to a grand total of $3.25 million!
We, the undersigned in Sonoma, recognize it was your initiative that doubled federal financing for community health centers. A “New York Times” article on Dec. 26, 2008 reports your health care initiative made possible “the largest expansion of health centers since the program’s origins in President Johnson’s war on poverty.” You have very personally touched our community.
Most importantly, we are grateful for your unwavering resolve to keep us safe since 9/11. Despite many in Congress, the media and ACLU who whittled away at our security, you soldiered on. Our most heartful thanks. God bless.
June England (and others)
El Verano