No one is against affordable housing. The people at do not spread misinformation. Take off your sunglasses and read the site sometime. The original purchase of this small property was to create housing for the workforce (example: teachers, nurses, waitresses), a “Workforce” comprising of incomes that are in the range of 60-120% of the area’s median income.
Additionally, what about affordable housing for seniors? My mother had to move from Sonoma to New York last year because there was no affordable housing for her. Let’s address the needs of these folks.
And just for giggles, why are we even contemplating a three-story project on that corner? Wake up, City Council and Planning Commission. You also have an obligation to the existing residents to do this in a manor that will not negatively impact neighborhoods and the City as a whole.
Pat Milligan, Sonoma
The Gateway group does spread misinformation. I have heard representatives reading from a script at many city meetings as well as read on the website make fear-mongering claims that the development is for homeless. The project RFP includes 10 units for disabled and homeless veterans. This misquote is disingenuous- fear-mongering propaganda. …Or the Gateway Group has something against the very Veterans who have had their lives destroyed so these folks can enjoy the lifestyle they do not want disturbed by this project.