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Restaurants vs. housing in Sonoma

While the economy is strong, there are numerous potential intrusions of commercial interests threatening the tranquility and quiet enjoyment of our residential neighborhoods. The focus of our First Street West neighborhood group is now the threat forming of a restaurant being installed in the Cooperage, at 310 First St. W.

The proposed restaurant, Olive and Vine, and its owners are admired and respected in our community. However, the intended location will cause major disruption to residents of the neighborhood. The zoning is appropriately residential and should be defended from commercial intrusion. Apparently, the property owner may attempt to leverage the buildings’ potential historic status to shoehorn a commercial use, with virtually no on-­site parking, into a fine residential neighborhood.

The residents want more housing for friendly and supportive neighbors; complimenting the existing and current housing crisis. The situation has much in common with the recent proposal, between First Street and Second Street East, to build a hotel, café and public pool amidst the long-standing and close knit residential neighborhood. Preserve and protect our neighborhoods, the foundation of the social fabric which makes Sonoma a wonderful place to live.

Jim and Christine Bohar

Jo Anne Kellert

Elise Tarantino

Dick and Carrie Fogg

William Spencer

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    1. David Eichar David Eichar

      Equating the re-purpose of the Cooperage building for a restaurant to the First Street East project of housing, hotel and restaurant is doing a disservice to those of us who oppose the First Street East project. Olive and Vine is one restaurant on a much smaller parcel. It will use the existing building, which last use was also commercial. The First Street East project is tearing down all of the old buildings. Olive and Vine is a restaurant, a local service business; while a does not. If the Cooperage building were to be torn down, I would agree with you that housing needs to be included in the plan.

      By equating the two, you are just adding fuel to the fire that anyone opposing the First Street East project is a NIMBY.

      • David Eichar David Eichar

        Oops. I meant to say a restaurant is a local serving business, while a hotel is not.

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